0.1.9-beta • Published 2 years ago

@cleanarc/react-gen v0.1.9-beta

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Last release
2 years ago


A tool for generating functional react components and stylesheets.



go install github.com/cleanarc/react-gen


react-gen --help


Generate a Card component in the current directory.

react-gen card .

Generate a Button component with a custom name.

react-gen button -n MyButton .

Generate a Modal in another directory.

react-gen modal ./src/components/common



Unit Tests

make test

Test Coverage

make cover

Adding a Feature

For streamlining the process of adding a new feature, see the react-gen-add tool. The full architecture of the tool and the steps for manually adding a new feature (sub-command) are described below.

The most common changes made to this project involve adding new react component to the registry. This is made simple thanks to a set of Go interfaces we have defined. You'll need to implement each of these interfaces whenever adding a new React component to the registry of supported components.

Component Interface

Defined by the following behaviors, this interface defines the characteristics of a React component you'd like to generate. Add your implementation to internal/components.

// Component interface representing a specific type of React component (i.e. Card).
type Component interface {
	// Name the name of the React component type (i.e. Card)
	Name() string
	// Deps list of lower level components which a given component uses.
	// This must be generated recursively.
	Deps() []Component
	// Opts returns the options stored within a component. This is only
	// relevant to concrete types that embed Options and configure it in there
	// factory function. This is useful for mapping these options to an outcome
	// during the component generation routine.
	Opts() Options

Command Interface

Defined by the following behaviors, this interface defines the cli subcommand for generating your new component. Add your implementation to internal/cli within an appropriately named subpackage.

// Command interface representing commands within the cli
type Command interface {
	// Name the name of the command
	Name() string
	// Usage short description of the command
	Usage() string
	// UsageText format to use when using the command
	// (e.g. react-gen button [command options] <output-directory>)
	UsageText() string
	// Flags the options for the command
	Flags() []flags.Flag
	// Action the action to invoke for each command
	Action() func(ctx context.Context) error

Flag Interface

Defined by the following behaviors, this interface defines the characteristics of each flag of your component's subcommand. Add your implementation to internal/cli within an appropriately named subpackage.

// Flag interface for basic behaviors pertaining to cli options
type Flag interface {
	// Type denotes what type of cli option a flag represents.
	// May be one of String or Bool.
	Type() FlagType
	// Name the name of the cli option, as it should be used in the cli
	Name() string
	// Aliases any aliases for the option name, as defined by String
	Aliases() []string
	// Usage the usage message for the cli option
	Usage() string
	// Required whether a cli option must be specified
	Required() bool
	// DefaultValue the default value to use when none is specified.
	// Applies only to optional flags
	DefaultValue() string

Add to Registry

Once you have defined the implementation of your new component and its subsequent command and flags, you can add it to the following registry in main.go.

// commandRegistry Register subcommand implementations here...
func commandRegistry() []commands.Command {
	return []commands.Command{
		// Add your new component command here...

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago