1.16.1 • Published 5 months ago

@codetools/blueprints-cli v1.16.1

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5 months ago


blueprints-cli is a tool for generating files from templates, referred to as 'blueprints'. It's commonly used in development environments for creating components, applications, containers, and configurations. The tool aims to automate file creation, focusing on simplicity, flexibility, and extensibility.


Install blueprints-cli using npm:

npm install -g @codetools/blueprints-cli

Or, using yarn:

yarn global add @codetools/blueprints-cli

Quick Start

1. Create a Blueprint

Create a new blueprint:

bp new -g ExampleBlueprint

2. Configure the Blueprint

Add files for reuse to your blueprint:


3. Use the Blueprint

Generate files in your desired directory:

bp generate <blueprintName> <blueprintInstanceName>

Get to Know blueprints-cli

Why: Making File Creation Easy

blueprints-cli is here to make creating lots of files easy and quick. It's perfect for when you need to make many files that are kind of the same but still need some small changes. This way, you don't have to spend so much time on making each file from scratch.

How: The Simplicity of Blueprints

Think of blueprints as your personal shortcuts for file-making. Once you set up a blueprint, it becomes a go-to template for creating new files. It's like having a base recipe that you can tweak a little each time, depending on what you need.

Example: You make a blueprint for your weekly report. Then, every week, you just change the date, status, and notes, and your report is ready to go.

Blueprint File (Before):

Weekly Report for {{ projectName }}

Date: {{ date }}
Status: {{ status }}

{{ notes }}

Generated File (After):

Weekly Report for Project X

Date: 2023-12-08
Status: On Track

All milestones met, team is making excellent progress.


Below is a table outlining the available commands, their descriptions, and options:

generate\|g <blueprint> <blueprintInstance>Generate files from a blueprint.-d, --dest <destination>: Specify the directory for the files.<args>: Additional arguments for template data and metadata.
help [command]Display help for a command.None
import <globalBlueprint> [localBlueprint]Import a global blueprint to a local project.None
init [projectPath]Initialize a local blueprints project.None
list\|ls [namespace]List all available blueprints.-l, --long: Show more details about each blueprint.
new <blueprint>Create a new blueprint.-g, --global: Create the blueprint globally. -s, --source [sourcePath]: Specify an initial source path for blueprint files.
remove\|rm <blueprint>Remove a blueprint.-g, --global: Remove a global blueprint.


  • Global Blueprints: Blueprints available for any project, stored so you can use them anywhere.
  • Local Blueprints: Blueprints made for specific projects, useful for unique project needs.
  • Metadata: This is information used by the blueprint to format your file names and other details automatically, ensuring everything stays consistent.
  • Template Data: These are the specific details you provide, like project names or dates, that customize your blueprint for each file you create.

Basic Example: Creating Project Status Reports


You're regularly creating status reports for different projects. Each report should be friendly and informative, including the project's name, its status, and the report's date.

Step 1: Creating the Blueprint

First, we create the blueprint:

bp new -g statusReportBlueprint

Now we have a blueprint created at ~/.blueprints/statusReportBlueprint

Step 2: Defining the Blueprint's Templates

  • Create a file at ~/.blueprints/statusReportBlueprint/files/__blueprintInstance__/__date__-Report.txt
  • File Content (__date__-Report.txt):

    Hello Team!
    Here's the latest update on {{projectName}}:
    - Status as of now: {{status}}
    - Report Date: {{date}}
    Keep the momentum going!

Step 3: Generating the Report

To create a report for "Project Alpha" on a specific date, we run:

bp generate statusReportBlueprint ProjectAlpha projectName="Project Alpha" status="On Track" date=2023-12-08

Here's what happens:

  • The command interprets ProjectAlpha and 2023-12-08 to dynamically create:
    • A filename: ProjectAlpha/2023-12-08-Report.txt.
    • A report content that warmly addresses "Project Alpha" and mentions the specific date.
  • The status value is also seamlessly integrated into the report, completing the picture.

End Result

The result is a customized, friendly status report at ./ProjectAlpha/2023-12-08-Report.txt, containing:

Hello Team!

Here's the latest update on Project Alpha:
- Status as of now: On Track
- Report Date: 2023-12-08

Keep the momentum going!