0.1.5 • Published 7 months ago

@coding4tomorrow/c4t-next v0.1.5

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7 months ago

Coding 4 Tomorrow Next


  • Fix errors showing up during tests. They're not blocking and don't fail the test but something might not be right.


yarn add @coding4tomorrow/c4t-next


npm install @coding4tomorrow/c4t-next --save

Getting started

To use the library you'll have to call the useSetup hook first thing when your React app is loaded.

_app.js for NextJS

// complete configuration
import { useSetup } from '@coding4tomorrow/c4t-next'

const App = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
    api: {
      baseURL: 'http://localhost:5000',
      routes: apiRoutes,

  return <Component {...pageProps} />

export default App

You can check all the available options for useSetup below.


You can find some examples in the folder /examples of the project.

API Documentation


This hook configure the whole library.

The main parts are:

  • API calls
  • Authentication (cookies, tokens)
  • Automatic token refresh when expired
  • Axios headers configuration (yes we use Axios under the hood).

Hook options

import apiRoutes from './apiRoutes'

  api: {
    // required, this is the base URL of the API
    baseURL: 'http://localhost:4000',
    // required if you want to use the API
    routes: apiRoutes,
    // optional, defaults to 'auth.jwt.refresh'
    refreshTokenRoute: 'auth.jwt.refresh',
    // optional, defaults to 'auth.login'
    loginRoute: 'auth.login',
    // optional, defaults to 'users.me'
    meRoute: 'users.me',
  auth: {
    // optional, defaults to '/login'
    loginPageRoute: '/login',
    // optional, defaults to 'c4t_token'
    tokenCookieName: 'c4t_token',
    // optional, defaults to 'c4t_refresh_token'
    refreshTokenCookieName: 'c4t_refresh_token',
  axios: {
    // optional
    headers: {
      // custom headers which will be appended on each request
      'X-API-Key': '...',


This is where all the API routes are defined.

You can then use them in combinaison with useSWR or useApi or useFormApi etc...

const apiRoutes = ({ get, post, patch, put, del }) => ({
  users: {
    me: get('/v1/users/me'),
  books: {
    getAll: get('/v1/books'),
    delete: del('/v1/books/:id'),
    update: patch('/v1/books/:id'),
    override: put('/v1/books/:id'),
    create: post('/v1/books'),
  auth: {
    login: post('/v1/auth/login'),
    refreshToken: post('/v1/auth/refresh-token'),

export default apiRoutes


This hook is an implementation of swr (https://swr.vercel.app/docs/getting-started) to work with our api system, so we keep all the benefits of using swr while having an easy api integration system.

It's useful when doing a simple request that has to be executed right away.

// apiRoutes.js
const apiRoutes = ({ post }) => ({
  books: {
    get: get('/books/:id'),

// useSWRExample.js
import { useSWR } from '@coding4tomorrow/c4t-next'

const { data: book, isLoading } = useSWR('books.get', { id: 1 })

if (isLoading) {
  return <p>Loading...</p>

return (

Hook options

const {
  data, // the loaded data
  error, // the error if there is
  isLoading, // used to
  mutate, // used to mutate the cached version of the resource
} = useSWR(apiRoute, params, options)


data is null until loaded.

If data had results before a second call, it'll keep its current value until the new value is loaded.


error holds the error returned from the call, if there is.

data will equal null if there's an error.


While isLoading is true, data is null.


This is the route path to our API call, for example books.getAll


This is the params for the apiRoute, for example if your URL is: /v1/books/:id you'll have to pass { id: 1 } to transform it to /v1/books/1.


This is the options of swr.

More information at https://swr.vercel.app/docs/options#options


Sometimes you need to defer the api request, for example to send information after a click.

This is where useApi comes in play.

// apiRoutes.js
const apiRoutes = ({ post }) => ({
  books: {
    like: post('/books/:id/like'),

// useApiExample.js
import { useApi } from '@coding4tomorrow/c4t-next'

const { request, loading } = useApi('books.like', { id: 1 })

return (
      onClick={() => {
        const [err, response] = request({
          fieldName: 'some field infos',

        if (err) {
          // display error somewhere

        if (response.success) {
          // show feedback to the user


This hook is useful when working with Ant Design forms.

It's taking care of:

  • API call on submission
  • Automatic error handling based on fields name

Simple example:

import { useFormApi } from '@coding4tomorrow/c4t-next'
import { useForm, Form, Input, Button } from 'antd'

const [form] = useForm()

const { ErrorComponent, onSubmit, isLoading } = useFormApi({
  api: 'auth.login', // path as found in apiRoutes
  form, // instance to ant design form

return (
  <Form form={form} onSubmit={onSubmit}>
    <ErrorComponent />
    <Form.Item name="username">
      <Input />
    <Form.Item name="password">
      <Input.Password />
    <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit" loading={isLoading}>
      Sign in

In this example, when the user submit the form, it'll send to the API a post request with the following fields:

  username: '...',
  password: '...',

If the API returns any error in the username or in the password, they will be displayed under the corresponding field like Ant Design would do. If it's a global error (not related to a field), it'll use the <ErrorComponent /> from the library.

You can learn more about errors handling here link

Hook options

  beforeApiCall = values => values,
  afterApiCall = response => response,
  beforeErrorsHandling = errors => errors,


This parameter can be a string, an object or a function depending on the use case.

A string is used for simple routes

// apiRoutes.js
const apiRoutes = ({ post }) => ({
  auth: {
    login: post('/auth/login'),

// useFormApiExample.js
const { onSubmit } = useFormApi({
  api: 'auth.login', // will call POST /auth/login

An object is used for routes with params

// apiRoutes.js
const apiRoutes = ({ patch }) => ({
  users: {
    patch: patch('/users/:name'),

// useFormApiExample.js
const { onSubmit } = useFormApi({
  api: {
    // will call PATCH /users/janick
    path: 'users.patch',
    params: { name: 'janick' },

A function is used when you need to resolve the path just before the request

const apiRoutes = ({ patch }) => ({
  users: {
    patch: patch('/users/:name'),


const [form] = useForm()

// here form.getFieldValue('name') is evaluated at
// the creation of the hook, returning an undefined value
const {
} = useFormApi({
  api: { // no function
    path: 'users.patch', // will call PATCH /users/undefined
    params: { name: form.getFieldValue('name') }, // form.getFieldValue('name') = undefined

// --------------------------------

const {
} = useFormApi({
  api: () => ({ // note the function here
    path: 'users.patch', // will call PATCH /users/janick if form.getFieldValue('name') = 'janick'
    params: { name: form.getFieldValue('name') },


This parameter is the form variable generated by useForm from Ant Design.

import { useForm } from 'antd'

const [form] = useForm()

const { onSubmit } = useFormApi({

It is used to manage fields related errors.


This parameter is used to transform the data before it is sent to the API.

const {
} = useFormApi({
  beforeApiCall: values => {
    // some processing

    return {
      name: 'Overriden name',


This parameter is usually used to add an action after the API call is successful.

const router = useRouter()

const { onSubmit } = useFormApi({
  afterApiCall: (response) => {
    // redirects to user's profile after editing


This parameter is called just before dispatching the errors between the form and the <ErrorComponent />, this is the best time to do any needed transformation.

const { onSubmit } = useFormApi({
  beforeErrorsHandling: (errors) => {
    // do something with errors

7 months ago


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