1.0.4-rc1 • Published 2 years ago

@coexyaedi/cyb-sdk v1.0.4-rc1

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Choose Your Baker SDK v1.0.1

The SDK for Choose Your Baker. It enables issuers to issue Tezos transactions to a chosen baker.


Using npm:

npm install @coexyaedi/cyb-sdk


SDK configuration

The constructor of CybAuth takes a Choose Your Baker Transaction Manager URL and an authentication token as parameters. The constructor of CybSdk takes a Tezos node URL as parameter.

import {CybSdk, CybAuth} from '@coexyaedi/cyb-sdk'

const auth = new CybAuth('https://TRANSACTION_MANAGER_URL', 'ISSUER_TOKEN')
const sdk: CybSdk = new CybSdk(auth, 'https://YOUR_PREFERRED_RPC_URL')

If the transaction manager is configured to accept unauthenticated submission of operations, the SDk can be used without a token.

import {CybSdk, CybAuth} from '@coexyaedi/cyb-sdk'

const auth = new CybAuth('https://TRANSACTION_MANAGER_URL')
const sdk: CybSdk = new CybSdk(auth, 'https://YOUR_PREFERRED_RPC_URL')

Tezos keys configuration

In order to sign operations, Tezos private key has to be provided to a signer.

import {InMemorySigner} from "@taquito/signer"

    signer: new InMemorySigner('SECRET_KEY')


Transfer some XTZ

It's mandatory to call the cybEstimate function before sending the request in order to get the right gas limit, storage limit, and the fees related to the transaction manager of the certified baker.

// Build a transaction to transfer 0.1 XTZ to destinationAddress
const params : ParamsWithKind[] = [
        kind: OpKind.TRANSACTION,
        to: destinationAddress,
        amount: 0.1,
        fee: 0,

 // Estimate for CYB
const estimateCyb = await sdk.cybEstimate(params)

// Send the operation
const response = await sdk.generateBatch(estimateCyb).send()

Transfer some XTZ and call a smart contract

// Smart Contract with on method: updateName
const simpleContract = await sdk.wallet.at('SMART_CONTRACT_ADDRESS')

const params : ParamsWithKind[] =[
        kind: OpKind.TRANSACTION,
        to: destinationAddress,
        amount: 0.1,
        fee: 0,
        kind: OpKind.TRANSACTION,

// Estimate for CYB
const estimateCyb = await sdk.cybEstimate(params)

// Send the operation
const response = await sdk.generateBatch(estimateCyb).send()

Specify a level

It is possible to specify at which level we want our operation to be baked (it has to be a baking slot of the chosen baker).

// Change context for next call
if (!sdk.isContextLocked) {
        level: WANTED_LEVEL,

// Prepare and send operation
// ...
const response = await sdk.generateBatch(estimateCyb).send()
// Reset context for next call
if (!sdk.isContextLocked) {
        level: undefined,

Get CYB information about an operation

// Send the operation
const response = await sdk.generateBatch(estimateCyb).send()

// Get operation
const operation = await sdk.operationService.getOperation({hash: response.opHash})

Delete an operation

It is possible to delete an operation from the mempool of CYB only if the operation has the PENDING status.

// Send the operation
const response = await sdk.generateBatch(estimateCyb).send()

// Delete the operation
const deletedOperation = await sdk.operationService.deleteOperation({hash: response.opHash})

You might want to verify the validity of the operation that was sent back.

// Verify the signature
const tzOperation = deletedOperation.tzOperation
const forgeParams: ForgeParams = {
    branch: tzOperation.branch,
    contents: tzOperation.contents,
const bytes = await sdk.cybRpc.forgeOperations(forgeParams)
const signature = await sdk.signer.sign(bytes, new Uint8Array([3]))

if (signature.prefixSig === tzOperation.signature) {
    console.log("Deleted operation is valid")

Update an operation

// Send the operation
const response = await sdk.generateBatch(estimateCyb).send()

// Delete and make a new batch from deleted operation
const deletedOperation = await sdk.operationService.deleteOperation({hash: response.opHash})
const batch = sdk.generateBatchFrom(deletedOperation)
    to: "tz1aSkwEot3L2kmUvcoxzjMomb9mvBNuzFK6",
    amount: 1,

// Re-submit the operation
const secondOp = await batch.send()
const operation = await sdk.operationService.getOperation({hash: secondOp.opHash})