2.1.0 • Published 6 years ago
@cognite/generator-create-react-redux-app v2.1.0
Generator create-react-redux-app
This generator was orginally forked from generator-create-redux-app and has been adapted to the Cognite Way™
This generator adds Redux, styled-components and other useful libraries and tools on top of the most common React starter Create React App. It also provides a folder structure and code style based on what is considered best practices. Below you will find some information on how to perform common tasks.
First, install Yeoman and generator-create-react-redux-app using yarn( You’ll need to have Node >= 6.10.3 on your machine node.js).
yarn global add yo
yarn global add @cognite/generator-create-react-redux-app
Then generate your new project:
mkdir project-name
cd project-name
yo @cognite/create-react-redux-app
Once the installation is done, these commands are available to you
Basic commands:
yarn start // start dev server
yarn test // run tests in watch mode
yarn build // build for production
yarn generate // generate new components, containers or modules