1.1.5 • Published 2 years ago

@cohenerickson/quick.db-map v1.1.5

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2 years ago

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If you're having trouble installing, please follow this troubleshooting guide.

Linux & Windows

  • npm i quick.db quick.db-map

Note: Windows users may need to do additional steps listed here.


  1. Install: XCode
  2. Run: npm i -g node-gyp in terminal
  3. Run: node-gyp --python /path/to/python2.7 (skip this step if you didn't install python 3.x)
  4. Run: npm i quick.db quick.db-map

Cached database usage

const Database = require("quick.db-map");
//NOTE: table name is not a required parameter, if nothing is provided it does not create a table, and uses the default plain db
const db = new Database({ tableName: "abc", cache: true, clearCache: true }); //clearCache is a boolean and it will clear the cache every 5 minutes by default
//dbPath is a optional parameter, if nothing is provided it will use the default storage location
db.set("a", "b");
console.log(db.get("a")); //returns b

Clear cache at intervals (Other Options)

const Database = require("quick.db-map");
const db = new Database({
  tableName: "abc",
  cache: true,
  clearCache: true,
  maxCacheLimit: 250,
  clearCacheInterval: "30s 10m 5h 2d 3w",
  verbose: true,
}); //maxCacheLimit is the maximum amount of cache that can be stored, clearCacheInterval will override the default 5 minutes interval <30s 10m 5h 2d 3w> [30seconds, 10minutes, 5hours, 2days, 3weeks]

//setting verbose to true will log the events happening
db.set("a", "b");
console.log(db.get("a")); //returns b

All Functions

const Database = require("quick.db-map");
const db = new Database({
  dbPath: "./Databases/mydatabasename.db",
  tableName: "abc",
  cache: true,
  clearCache: true,
  maxCacheLimit: 1,
  clearCacheInterval: "4s",
  expiryInterval: "20s",
  verbose: true,

db.set("a", "b"); //sets b in value a
//Objects and Arrays also work!

db.get("a"); //returns b

db.has("a"); //returns true

db.delete("a"); //deletes a

db.has("a"); //returns false

db.set("a", { a: "b" }); //sets b in value a in the object

db.set("a.b", "abc"); //sets this as an object

db.deleteAll(); //WARNING! clears the entire database

db.ClearCache(); //Clears the database

db.cacheSize(); //returns the size of the cache

db.set("arandomnumber", 1);

db.add("arandomnumber", 20); //adds 1+20 to the value of arandomnumber and returns 21

db.subtract("arandomnumber", 10); //subtracts 10 from the value of arandomnumber and returns 11

db.set("an Array", [1, 2, 3]); //set a value as a array

db.push("an Array", 4); //adds 4 to the array and returns [1, 2, 3, 4]

db.reCache(); //re-caches the entire database into the cache

db.backup("MY DATABASE"); //backup the database

db.expiry("a", { m: 2 }); // expiry goes like this as Object only { y:2010, M:3, d:5, h:15, m:10, s:3, ms:123}

console.log(db.all()); //returns all the values in the database

db.close(); //closes the database, does not allow any further operations


Removed typings since I am not good at it ¯\(ツ)

Added expiry feature, this will allow you to set an expiry value for a key and it will delete it after the expiry time, and no need to worry about the expiry getting lost after restart, since the expiry value is stored in the key value!