1.2.0 • Published 4 years ago

@component-controls/specification v1.2.0

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4 years ago

Table of contents


Typescript definitions of the component-controls specification. Includes definitions for:


This package is usually installed as part of the @component-controls package, but you can also install it standalone:

$ npm install @component-controls/specification --save-dev



defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts


loc*CodeLocationwhere in the story source code is the argument used code location is relative to the start of the story
nameSourceIdentifieroptional name for the usage of the argument example: export const story = ({ value }) => <Story value={{ age: value }} />; in this example the name will be 'age'
shorthandbooleantrue if the property is a 'shorthand'. { prop: value } - not a shorthand. { prop } - a shorthand.


an identifier/variable.argument in the source code

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts




map of stories. The id is compatible with CSF story ids

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts

id*: string: Story


a group of stories. Usually multiple stories are in one csf file and the 'group' is the default export in the case of MDX stories, the kind is crated using a <Meta /> tag

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts

name*: string: any


MDXPageanyfor MDX pages, this is an MDXContent function, to be rendered inside a MDXProvider
componentstring | objectid for component associated with the stories file
components*[name: string]: stringlookup into the global store.components since multiple components of the same name can be used example: ['Button']: 'c:/myapp/Button.tsx'
controlsComponentControlsobject of key/value pairs specifying the controls for the stories file this will apply to all the stories in the file
decoratorsStoryRenderFn[]story decorators (or wrappers)
excludeStoriesstring[] | RegExplist of stories to exclude from the stories file can also use regexp match
fileNamestringfile name of the file of stories
includeStoriesstring[] | RegExplist of stories to include in the stories file can also use regexp match
packagestringlookup into the global store of PackageInfo package.json
parametersStoryParametersconfiguration parameters passed to the story groups configured either as CSF default export or MDX <Meta /> tag
sourcestringsource code of the entire file of stories
storiesstring[]list of stories contained in the file/groups
subcomponentsstring[] | object[]multiple components option
title*stringtitle of the groups of stories (or kind). used to generate CSF story ids


store of stories information in memory after the loader is applied

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts


components*StoryComponentslist of components used in stories
kinds*StoryKindslist of story files, or groups
packages*StoryPackageslist of package.json files and their data used by the components and the stories of the project
stories*StoryStorieslist of stories


Story interface - usually extracted by the AST instrumenting loader

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts


argumentsStoryArgumentsarguments pass to a CSF story eg `export const story = props => <Story {...props} />;`
componentstring | objectid for component associated with the story
controlsComponentControlsobject of key/value pairs specifying the controls for the story
decoratorsStoryRenderFn[]story decorators (or wrappers)
descriptionstringstory extended description. can use markdown.
idstringcsf id of the story
kindstringtitle of the file/group of stories
locCodeLocationlocation in the source file of the story definition
name*stringname of the Story.
parametersStoryParametersconfiguration parameters passed to the story - either CSF or MDX
renderFnStoryRenderFnrender function for the story
sourcestringthe source code of the story, extracted byt the AST instrumenting loaders
subcomponents[key: string]: string | objectmultiple components option
subtitlestringoptional story subtitle property


arguments passed to the 'story' function, extracted by an AST loader

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts


locCodeLocationlocation of the argument declaration, relative to the story source code
namestringthe original name of the argument
usageArgUsageLocation[]list of locations where the argument is used in the body of the story
value*string | StoryArgumentseither the name used (or a variable alias), or an array of sub-arguments ({ name: alias })


list of components used in stories

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts

fileName*: string: StoryComponent


list of story files, or groups

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts

title*: string: StoriesKind


list of repositories

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts

id*: string: PackageInfo


list of configuration parameters for stories and 'kinds' can be specified either through CSF or MDX tags

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts

name*: string: any


list of stories

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts

id*: string: Story


list of story arguments. Each argument can be a deconstructed argument of itself the first argument are the control 'values'

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/stories.ts



Control field types examples are provided for the different types:

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts


ARRAY*function ARRAYarrayItems: { type: ControlTypes.ARRAY, label: 'Items', rowType: { name: { type: ControlTypes.TEXT }, }, value: [{ name: 'Laptop' }, { name: 'Book' }, { name: 'Whiskey' }], },
BOOLEAN*function BOOLEANnice: { type: ControlTypes.BOOLEAN, label: 'Nice', value: true, },
BUTTON*function BUTTONbutton: { type: ControlTypes.BUTTON, onClick: () => { ... code to modify some variables } },
COLOR*function COLORcolor: { type: 'color', value: '#000000', },
DATE*function DATEbirthday: { type: ControlTypes.DATE, label: 'Birthday', value: new Date(), },
NUMBER*function NUMBERage: { type: ControlTypes.NUMBER, label: 'Age', value: 78, range: true, min: 0, max: 90, step: 5, },
OBJECT*function OBJECTstyle: { type: ControlTypes.OBJECT, label: 'Styles', value: { // do not randomize the border style border: { type: ControlTypes.TEXT, value: '2px dashed silver', data: null }, borderRadius: { type: ControlTypes.NUMBER, value: 10 }, padding: { type: ControlTypes.NUMBER, value: 10 }, }, }
OPTIONS*function OPTIONSfruit: { type: ControlTypes.OPTIONS, label: 'Fruit', value: 'apple', options: { Apple: 'apple', Banana: 'banana', Cherry: 'cherry', }, },
TEXT*function TEXTuserName: { type: ControlTypes.TEXT, label: 'Name', value: 'Storyteller', },


defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts

extends ComponentControlBase<[key: string]: any[]>


dataComponentControlData | null | falsehelper information to generate random data will be used in conjunction with faker.js datacan be set to false, if the control should not be randomized
defaultValue[key: string]: any[]default value is usually set at run-time, from the value
descriptionstringfull text property description. can use markdown.
editLabelstringthe label for the editor button
groupIdstringallows grouping of the properties in a property editor for example different editor tabs
hiddenbooleanhide the property editor for this property will only use the value
labelstringlabel to display next to the field editor by default uses the property name itself
ordernumberallows custom sorting of the properties if 'order' is not provided, the props will be sorted by the order/key of the object (unreliable)
requiredbooleanvisually display the control property as required
resetValue[key: string]: any[]reset value - this is automatically saved as the initial 'value' used when user wants to click rest and go back to the initial values
rowType*ComponentControlstype of the items in each row of the array
value[key: string]: any[]a default value for the property


Base inteface for creating control types All new property typs should extend this interface and support

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts


dataComponentControlData | null | falsehelper information to generate random data will be used in conjunction with faker.js datacan be set to false, if the control should not be randomized
defaultValuedefault value is usually set at run-time, from the value
descriptionstringfull text property description. can use markdown.
groupIdstringallows grouping of the properties in a property editor for example different editor tabs
hiddenbooleanhide the property editor for this property will only use the value
labelstringlabel to display next to the field editor by default uses the property name itself
ordernumberallows custom sorting of the properties if 'order' is not provided, the props will be sorted by the order/key of the object (unreliable)
requiredbooleanvisually display the control property as required
resetValuereset value - this is automatically saved as the initial 'value' used when user wants to click rest and go back to the initial values
valuea default value for the property


defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts

extends ComponentControlBase<boolean>


dataComponentControlData | null | falsehelper information to generate random data will be used in conjunction with faker.js datacan be set to false, if the control should not be randomized
defaultValuebooleandefault value is usually set at run-time, from the value
descriptionstringfull text property description. can use markdown.
groupIdstringallows grouping of the properties in a property editor for example different editor tabs
hiddenbooleanhide the property editor for this property will only use the value
labelstringlabel to display next to the field editor by default uses the property name itself
ordernumberallows custom sorting of the properties if 'order' is not provided, the props will be sorted by the order/key of the object (unreliable)
requiredbooleanvisually display the control property as required
resetValuebooleanreset value - this is automatically saved as the initial 'value' used when user wants to click rest and go back to the initial values
valuebooleana default value for the property


defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts

extends ComponentControlBase<>


dataComponentControlData | null | falsehelper information to generate random data will be used in conjunction with faker.js datacan be set to false, if the control should not be randomized
defaultValuedefault value is usually set at run-time, from the value
descriptionstringfull text property description. can use markdown.
groupIdstringallows grouping of the properties in a property editor for example different editor tabs
hiddenbooleanhide the property editor for this property will only use the value
labelstringlabel to display next to the field editor by default uses the property name itself
onClickfunction (prop*: ComponentControlButton): void;for button type fields, an onClick handler
ordernumberallows custom sorting of the properties if 'order' is not provided, the props will be sorted by the order/key of the object (unreliable)
requiredbooleanvisually display the control property as required
resetValuereset value - this is automatically saved as the initial 'value' used when user wants to click rest and go back to the initial values
valuea default value for the property


defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts

extends ComponentControlBase<string>


dataComponentControlData | null | falsehelper information to generate random data will be used in conjunction with faker.js datacan be set to false, if the control should not be randomized
defaultValuestringdefault value is usually set at run-time, from the value
descriptionstringfull text property description. can use markdown.
groupIdstringallows grouping of the properties in a property editor for example different editor tabs
hiddenbooleanhide the property editor for this property will only use the value
labelstringlabel to display next to the field editor by default uses the property name itself
ordernumberallows custom sorting of the properties if 'order' is not provided, the props will be sorted by the order/key of the object (unreliable)
requiredbooleanvisually display the control property as required
resetValuestringreset value - this is automatically saved as the initial 'value' used when user wants to click rest and go back to the initial values
valuestringa default value for the property


defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts


name*string'name' for generating random data from faker.js usually comprised of two parts, separated by a dot example 'internet.avatar'
options[key: string]: anyoptions to be passe to the random data generators example { min: 10, max: 20 }


defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts

extends ComponentControlBase<Date>


dataComponentControlData | null | falsehelper information to generate random data will be used in conjunction with faker.js datacan be set to false, if the control should not be randomized
datePickerbooleanwhether to display a date picker (calendar). default: true
defaultValueDatedefault value is usually set at run-time, from the value
descriptionstringfull text property description. can use markdown.
groupIdstringallows grouping of the properties in a property editor for example different editor tabs
hiddenbooleanhide the property editor for this property will only use the value
labelstringlabel to display next to the field editor by default uses the property name itself
ordernumberallows custom sorting of the properties if 'order' is not provided, the props will be sorted by the order/key of the object (unreliable)
requiredbooleanvisually display the control property as required
resetValueDatereset value - this is automatically saved as the initial 'value' used when user wants to click rest and go back to the initial values
timePickerbooleanwhether to display a time picker (calendar). default: true
valueDatea default value for the property


defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts

extends ComponentControlBase<string[]>


acceptstringtype of files to accept user to open ex 'image/*',
dataComponentControlData | null | falsehelper information to generate random data will be used in conjunction with faker.js datacan be set to false, if the control should not be randomized
defaultValuestring[]default value is usually set at run-time, from the value
descriptionstringfull text property description. can use markdown.
groupIdstringallows grouping of the properties in a property editor for example different editor tabs
hiddenbooleanhide the property editor for this property will only use the value
labelstringlabel to display next to the field editor by default uses the property name itself
ordernumberallows custom sorting of the properties if 'order' is not provided, the props will be sorted by the order/key of the object (unreliable)
requiredbooleanvisually display the control property as required
resetValuestring[]reset value - this is automatically saved as the initial 'value' used when user wants to click rest and go back to the initial values
valuestring[]a default value for the property


defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts

extends ComponentControlBase<number>


dataComponentControlData | null | falsehelper information to generate random data will be used in conjunction with faker.js datacan be set to false, if the control should not be randomized
defaultValuenumberdefault value is usually set at run-time, from the value
descriptionstringfull text property description. can use markdown.
groupIdstringallows grouping of the properties in a property editor for example different editor tabs
hiddenbooleanhide the property editor for this property will only use the value
labelstringlabel to display next to the field editor by default uses the property name itself
maxnumbermaximum allowed value for numeric property
minnumberminimum allowed value for numeric property
ordernumberallows custom sorting of the properties if 'order' is not provided, the props will be sorted by the order/key of the object (unreliable)
rangebooleanif true, will display a range type slider editor
requiredbooleanvisually display the control property as required
resetValuenumberreset value - this is automatically saved as the initial 'value' used when user wants to click rest and go back to the initial values
stepnumberstepper for numeric editor /i nc/dec value
valuenumbera default value for the property


defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts

extends ComponentControlBase<ComponentControls>


dataComponentControlData | null | falsehelper information to generate random data will be used in conjunction with faker.js datacan be set to false, if the control should not be randomized
defaultValueComponentControlsdefault value is usually set at run-time, from the value
descriptionstringfull text property description. can use markdown.
editLabelstringthe label for the editor button
groupIdstringallows grouping of the properties in a property editor for example different editor tabs
hiddenbooleanhide the property editor for this property will only use the value
labelstringlabel to display next to the field editor by default uses the property name itself
ordernumberallows custom sorting of the properties if 'order' is not provided, the props will be sorted by the order/key of the object (unreliable)
requiredbooleanvisually display the control property as required
resetValueComponentControlsreset value - this is automatically saved as the initial 'value' used when user wants to click rest and go back to the initial values
valueComponentControlsa default value for the property


list of options can be 1. key-value pair object: in format { label: value } 2. array of strings 3. array of key-value pair objects

defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts

extends ComponentControlBase<OptionsValueType<>>


dataComponentControlData | null | falsehelper information to generate random data will be used in conjunction with faker.js datacan be set to false, if the control should not be randomized
defaultValueOptionsValueType<>default value is usually set at run-time, from the value
descriptionstringfull text property description. can use markdown.
display'select' | 'multi-select' | 'radio' | 'inline-radio' | 'check' | 'inline-check'how to render selecting the options: default is 'select'
groupIdstringallows grouping of the properties in a property editor for example different editor tabs
hiddenbooleanhide the property editor for this property will only use the value
labelstringlabel to display next to the field editor by default uses the property name itself
ordernumberallows custom sorting of the properties if 'order' is not provided, the props will be sorted by the order/key of the object (unreliable)
requiredbooleanvisually display the control property as required
resetValueOptionsValueType<>reset value - this is automatically saved as the initial 'value' used when user wants to click rest and go back to the initial values
valueOptionsValueType<>a default value for the property


defined in @component-controls/specification/src/controls.ts

extends ComponentControlBase<string>


dataComponentControlData | null | falsehelper information to generate random data will be used in conjunction with faker.js datacan be set to false, if the control should not be randomized
defaultValuestringdefault value is usually set at run-time, from the value
descriptionstringfull text property description. can use markdown.
escapeValuebooleanallows to receive escaped string values to help prevent XSS attacks by default - false
groupIdstringallows grouping of the properties in a property editor for example different editor tabs
hiddenbooleanhide the property editor for this property will only use the value
labelstringlabel to display next to the field editor by default uses the property name itself
ordernumberallows custom sorting of the properties if 'order' is not provided, the props will be sorted by the order/key of the object (unreliable)
placeholderstringplaceholder for empty properties either undefined initial value or user clears the field
requiredbooleanvisually display the control property as required
resetValuestringreset value - this is automatically saved as the initial 'value' used when user wants to click rest and go back to the initial values
rowsnumbernumber of rows for a TextArea field for longer text by default, only 1 row = means a Input field > 1 rows = an area field
valuestringa default value for the property


ComponentControls are


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