1.0.0-beta.15 • Published 6 years ago

@conclurer/edel-plugin-apollo v1.0.0-beta.15

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6 years ago

Plugin Apollo

@conclurer/edel-plugin-apollo implements the network plugin defined in @conclurer/edel-core. The underlaying driver is apollo-client

Using EdelPluginApollo

Plugin needs to be instantiated with

new EdelPluginApollo(apiBasePath: string, mockSchema?: GraphQLSchema)

A valid graphql endpoint needs to be passed to the constructor.

A generated schema can be passed for mocking and testing as second argument.

The Plugin provides basic helpers for the various Edelog Ressources like e.g. Organizations and Items.

These Helpers provide a CRUD Interface with various methods for querying and mutating. Helper Methods will always return all possible fields for an Object.

The Plugin also provides the methods query and mutate for running custom GraphQL Queries through it.

Generating Interfaces

apollo-codegen is required for generating the Typescrip Interfaces.

The local GraphQL Schema is stored in schema.json.

Always make sure to generate a fresh representation of the GraphQL Schema with

apollo-codegen introspect-schema http://localhost:5000/api/v3 --output ../../../../schema.json

For generating interfaces run

apollo-codegen generate queries.ts --schema ../../../../schema.json --target typescript --output queries.interfaces.ts 

This will generate Interfaces for every gql tag inside queries.ts.