0.0.12 โ€ข Published 2 years ago

@conte-ltd/prisma-trpc-generator v0.0.12

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Table of Contents

About The Project

Automatically generate fully implemented tRPC routers from your Prisma Schema. This includes routers, app router and of course all input schemas using Zod. Updates every time npx prisma generate runs.

Supported Prisma Versions

4.0.0 or higher

Supported TRPC Versions

10.0.0 or higher


Using npm:

 npm install @conte-ltd/prisma-trpc-generator @conte-ltd/prisma-zod-generator

Using yarn:

 yarn add @conte-ltd/prisma-trpc-generator @conte-ltd/prisma-zod-generator


1- Star this repo ๐Ÿ˜‰

2- Add the generator to your Prisma schema

generator trpc {
  provider         = "prisma-trpc-generator"
  baseRouterPath   = "../../../src/router"
  baseRouterName   = "baseRouter"
  createRouterName = "createRouter"

3- Enable strict mode in tsconfig as it is required by Zod, and considered a Typescript best practice

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true

4- Running npx prisma generate for the following schema.prisma

model User {
  id    Int     @id @default(autoincrement())
  email String  @unique
  name  String?
  posts Post[]

model Post {
  id        Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
  title     String
  content   String?
  published Boolean  @default(false)
  viewCount Int      @default(0)
  author    User?    @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
  authorId  Int?

will generate

import { createRouter } from "../../router";
import { PostFindUniqueSchema } from "../schemas/findUniquePost.schema";
import { PostFindFirstSchema } from "../schemas/findFirstPost.schema";
import { PostFindManySchema } from "../schemas/findManyPost.schema";
import { PostCreateOneSchema } from "../schemas/createOnePost.schema";
import { PostDeleteOneSchema } from "../schemas/deleteOnePost.schema";
import { PostUpdateOneSchema } from "../schemas/updateOnePost.schema";
import { PostDeleteManySchema } from "../schemas/deleteManyPost.schema";
import { PostUpdateManySchema } from "../schemas/updateManyPost.schema";
import { PostUpsertSchema } from "../schemas/upsertOnePost.schema";
import { PostAggregateSchema } from "../schemas/aggregatePost.schema";
import { PostGroupBySchema } from "../schemas/groupByPost.schema";

export const postsRouter = createRouter()

  .query("aggregate", {
    input: PostAggregateSchema,
    async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
      const aggregate = await ctx.prisma.post.aggregate(input);
      return aggregate;

  .mutation("createOne", {
    input: PostCreateOneSchema,
    async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
      const createOne = await ctx.prisma.post.create({ data: input.data });
      return createOne;

  .mutation("deleteMany", {
    input: PostDeleteManySchema,
    async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
      const deleteMany = await ctx.prisma.post.deleteMany(input);
      return deleteMany;

  .mutation("deleteOne", {
    input: PostDeleteOneSchema,
    async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
      const deleteOne = await ctx.prisma.post.delete({ where: input.where });
      return deleteOne;

  .query("findFirst", {
    input: PostFindFirstSchema,
    async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
      const findFirst = await ctx.prisma.post.findFirst(input);
      return findFirst;

  .query("findMany", {
    input: PostFindManySchema,
    async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
      const findMany = await ctx.prisma.post.findMany(input);
      return findMany;

  .query("findUnique", {
    input: PostFindUniqueSchema,
    async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
      const findUnique = await ctx.prisma.post.findUnique({ where: input.where });
      return findUnique;

  .query("groupBy", {
    input: PostGroupBySchema,
    async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
      const groupBy = await ctx.prisma.post.groupBy({ where: input.where, orderBy: input.orderBy, by: input.by, having: input.having, take: input.take, skip: input.skip });
      return groupBy;

  .mutation("updateMany", {
    input: PostUpdateManySchema,
    async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
      const updateMany = await ctx.prisma.post.updateMany(input);
      return updateMany;

  .mutation("updateOne", {
    input: PostUpdateOneSchema,
    async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
      const updateOne = await ctx.prisma.post.update({ where: input.where, data: input.data });
      return updateOne;

  .mutation("upsertOne", {
    input: PostUpsertSchema,
    async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
      const upsertOne = await ctx.prisma.post.upsert({ where: input.where, create: input.create, update: input.update });
      return upsertOne;

5- Make sure you have a valid Context file, as specified in contextPath option. The official tRPC docs for reference.

Additional Options

outputOutput directory for the generated routers and zod schemasstring./generated
initTRPCPathSets the init trpc path used in your routersstring.../../../src/trpc
initTRPCNameSets the init trpc name used in your routersstringt
procedureNameSets the procedure name used in your routersstringprocedure
exportRouterpartial or merged routers'both', 'marged', 'partal'both

Example of init trpc

import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';
import { Context } from './context';

export const t = initTRPC.context<Context>().create()
export const procedure = t.procedure