1.0.0 • Published 3 months ago

@coolwallet/theta v1.0.0

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3 months ago

CoolWallet Theta / TFuel SDK

Typescript library with support for the integration of Theta / TFuel for third party application, include the functionalities of generation of addresses and signed transactions.


npm install @coolwallet/theta


import Theta, { Options, SendTransaction } from '@coolwallet/theta';
import { crypto } from '@coolwallet/core';
import { createTransport } from '@coolwallet/transport-web-ble';

const appId = 'appId that had been registered by wallet';
const transport = await createTransport();
const { privateKey: appPrivateKey } = crypto.key.generateKeyPair();

// Initialize
const coin = new Theta();

// Get Address
const addressIndex = 0;
const address = await coin.getAddress(transport, appPrivateKey, appId, addressIndex);

// Sign Transaction
const options: Options = { transport, appPrivateKey, appId };
const transaction: SendTransaction = {
  theta: 1.2,
  tfuel: 0,
  sequence: 0,
  fromAddr: '0x3b1b121cAd57bFf936a94451B423865F0D2255D6',
  toAddr: '0x7176CeFDE9601133e942ae01d2F031F5FCDAd1F3'
const signedTx = await coin.signTransaction(transaction, options);



The address generated is compatible to BIP44 with account and change set to 0, which means calling getAddress with addressIndex = i will get the address of folllowing BIP44 path:

async getAddress(
    transport: types.Transport,
    appPrivateKey: string,
    appId: string,
    addressIndex: number
): Promise<string>


For transferring Theta and TFuel tokens.

type Integer = string | number;

interface Options {
  transport: Transport;
  appPrivateKey: string;
  appId: string;
  confirmCB?: Function;
  authorizedCB?: Function;

interface BaseTransaction {
  sequence: Integer;
  addressIndex: number;

interface SendTransaction extends BaseTransaction {
  theta: Integer;
  tfuel: Integer;
  toAddr: string;

async signTransaction(
  transaction: SendTransaction,
  options: Options
): Promise<string>


For staking to Validator nodes.

interface StakeValidatorTransaction extends BaseTransaction {
  theta: Integer;
  toAddr: string;

async signStakeValidatorTransaction(
  transaction: StakeValidatorTransaction,
  options: Options
): Promise<string>


For staking to Guardian nodes.

interface StakeGuardianTransaction extends BaseTransaction {
  theta: Integer;
  holderSummary: string;

async signStakeGuardianTransaction(
  transaction: StakeGuardianTransaction,
  options: Options
): Promise<string>


For staking to Edge nodes.

interface StakeEdgeTransaction extends BaseTransaction {
  tfuel: Integer;
  holderSummary: string;

async signStakeEdgeTransaction(
  transaction: StakeEdgeTransaction,
  options: Options
): Promise<string>


For withdrawing from staked nodes.

enum Purpose {
  Validator = 0,
  Guardian = 1,
  Edge = 2

interface WithdrawTransaction extends BaseTransaction {
  purpose: Purpose;
  toAddr: string;

async signWithdrawTransaction(
  transaction: WithdrawTransaction,
  options: Options
): Promise<string>


For EVM transaction.

interface SmartTransaction extends BaseTransaction {
  value: Integer;
  toAddr: string;
  gasLimit: Integer;
  data: string;

async signEvmTransaction(
  transaction: SmartTransaction,
  options: Options
): Promise<string>