0.0.2 • Published 5 years ago
@coolwallets/xlm v0.0.2
CoolWalletS Stellar (XLM) App
npm i @coolwallets/xlm
import cwsXLM from '@coolwallets/xlm'
const XLM = new cwsXLM(transport, appPrivateKey, appId)
CoolWalletS currently support 2 derivation path, the default one is SLIP0010. Notice that you can only use accountIndex = 0 for both derivation path for now.
const accountIndex = 0 // any number other than 0 will cause an error.
const account = await XLM.getAccount(accountIndex) // get SLIP0010 compatible account
const accountBip44 = await XLM.getAccount(accountIndex, 'BIP44');
We call the second parameter protocol, which can only be either 'BIP44'
or 'SLIP0010'
. You will need to specify the protocol parameter when you're signing a transaction.
We expect you to build transactions with the official stellar sdk. You can easily use the .signatureBase()
method to get the buffer that CoolWalletS needs for signing.
import * as Stellar from 'stellar-sdk';
const passphrase = 'Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015';
const server = new Stellar.Server('https://horizon.stellar.org')
const fundingAccount = await server.loadAccount(account)
const operation = Stellar.Operation.payment({
asset: Stellar.Asset.native(),
amount: '1',
let txBuilder = new Stellar.TransactionBuilder(fundingAccount, {
fee: 100,
networkPassphrase: passphrase,
let tx = txBuilder.build();
const signatureBase = tx.signatureBase(); // this is what we need.
// Sign with CoolWalletS
const signature = await XLM.signTransaction(signatureBase, accountIndex)
Build transaction object
In order to submit the transaction with the API package, you can use the following code to put the signature back to your tx object:
const fundingAccount = await server.loadAccount(account)
const kp = Stellar.Keypair.fromPublicKey(fundingAccount.accountId());
const hint = kp.signatureHint(); // this value depends only on public key
const ds = new Stellar.xdr.DecoratedSignature({ hint, signature });
// the tx object is ready to broadcast
await server.submitTransaction(tx);