1.0.1 • Published 7 years ago
@copropr/config-plugin v1.0.1
Config Plugin
This plugin lets you load yml files as configs in your projects
$ npm i -S @copropr/config-plugin
# Yarn
$ yarn add @copropr/config-plugin
// Commonjs
const ConfigPlugin = require('@copropr/config-plugin').default
// ES6 module way
import ConfigPlugin from '@copropr/config-plugin'
const conf = new ConfigPlugin([
The constructor expect an array of path string or object containing:
- path: string The path of the file relative to project root
- throw: boolean If it should throw an exception in case the file is not found
The files will be loaded in the order you set, so the second file will always overwrite the first, and so on...
*Note: Don't forget to use .default
if using es5 modules*
get method
The get method is a proxy to the lodash get function without specifying the object
conf.get('var1.nestedvar', defaultValue)
wholeConfig (getter)
This getter will return the whole config object
const configObject = conf.wholeConfig