0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago
@coreng/angular-core v0.0.1
This library defines all shared components, dtos, classes, enums, services... for all APS angular apps.
- (dir): shared framework feature.
- feature.dto.ts
- feature.model.ts
- feature.component.ts
- feature.service.ts
- feature.module.ts
- constants (dir): shared constants.
- directives (dir).
- enums (dir).
- helpers (dir): shared helper classes (stateful classes).
- pipes (dir): shared aps-admin pipes.
- services (dir): shared aps-admin common services.
- utils (dir): shared static utility classes.
- index.ts: export * from internal folders.
Difference between model and dto
- Model is a class, you can pass an interface type to the constructor as data.
- Dto (Data Transfer Object) is an interface. E.g., request, response
Difference between helper and utils
- A Utility class is understood to only have static methods and be stateless. You would not create an instance of such a class.
- A Helper can be a utility class or it can be stateful or require an instance be created. I would avoid this if possible.
Rules for index.ts files
is just export internal class, interface, services, module from folders.
export { AModel } from './models/a.model';
export { AModule } from './a.module.ts';
is just export from folders
export * from 'a-folder';
export * from 'b-folder';
4 years ago