0.0.6 • Published 5 months ago
@cproto/did-plc-lib v0.0.6
@did-plc/lib - DID PLC Typescript Client Library
This library provides both a simple client for the PLC directory, and an implementation of the PLC method itself (using a cryptographically signed operation log).
Client Usage
Fetching account data from directory:
import * as plc from '@did-plc/lib'
client = new plc.Client('https://plc.directory')
let exampleDid = 'did:plc:yk4dd2qkboz2yv6tpubpc6co'
// current account data, in terse object format
const data = await client.getDocumentData(exampleDid)
// or, the full DID Document
const didDoc = await client.getDocument(exampleDid)
Registering a new DID PLC:
import { Secp256k1Keypair } from '@atproto/crypto'
import * as plc from '@did-plc/lib'
// please test against a sandbox or local development server
client = new plc.Client('http://localhost:2582')
let signingKey = await Secp256k1Keypair.create()
let rotationKey = await Secp256k1Keypair.create()
did = await client.createDid({
signingKey: signingKey.did(),
handle: 'handle.example.com',
pds: 'https://pds.example.com',
rotationKeys: [rotationKey.did()],
signer: rotationKey,
MIT / Apache 2.0 dual-licensed.