0.3.0 • Published 4 years ago

@creativepenguin/cdk-static-site v0.3.0

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Last release
4 years ago


This construct deploys a static site including:

  • S3 Bucket
  • CloudFront Distribution
  • Route53 CNAME Records


import cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');
import { StaticSite, StaticSiteProps } from '@creativepenguin/cdk-static-site';
const app = new cdk.App();

const staticSiteProps: StaticSiteProps = {
   env: { account: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', region: 'us-east-1' },
   domainName: 'example.com'

new StaticSite(app, 'unique-id', staticSiteProps);



A custom domain alias for the CloudFront distribution

Supplying a custom domain name will trigger a lookup for the hosted zone in Route53 and a certificate ARN value in SSM. Also CNAME records will be added to the Route53 hosted zone.


A list of subdomains to add CNAME records for. (Default: [ 'www', '' ]).

This value is ignored if no domainName is provided.


An ARN for a certificate to associate with a custom domain alias in the CloudFront distributions.

This value is ignored if no domainName is provided.


A prefix for the SSM key used when looking up a certificate ARN. (Default: /certificates/)

This value is ignored if no domainName is provided.


Path to the static site directory, relative to the directory cdk deploy is run in. The contents of this directory will be copied to the s3 bucket. (Defaults: ./dist)

Manual Setup Procedures

The following must be done before running a deploy. If using a custom domain.

Route53 Hosted Zone

The corresponding hosted zone must be setup in Route53.


A certificate corresponding to the domain and subdomains specified should be created and validated.

If using providing the certificate ARN through a SSM parameter lookup, the parameter must exist. By default, this should be saved with the key /certificates/{domainName}.