0.0.21 • Published 18 days ago

@crikey/stores-dynamic v0.0.21

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18 days ago


Types and functions for creating Svelte compatible stores.

@crikey/stores-dynamic stores further extend the svelte/store contract to allow for dynamic dependencies and natural error handling.

See @crikey/stores-dynamic for full documentation.



Store creation functions:

  • constant - Create a Readable store with a fixed DynamicResolved
  • constant_value - Create a Readable store with a fixed DynamicValue
  • constant_error - Create a Readable store with a fixed DynamicError
  • dynamic - Convert a standard Readable to a DynamicReadable
  • dynamic - Create a DynamicReadable store derived from the resolved values of other stores

Utility functions:

  • get_error - Uses get to retrieve the current store value and return its error property (or undefined)
  • get_value - Uses get to retrieve the current store value and return its value property (or throw its error property)
  • resolve - Resolves the given Dynamic item to its contained value, or throws its contained error
  • smart - Resolve store to a constant DynamicResolved value (on demand) if possible, or keep as a DynamicReadable

Type Guards:

  • is_dynamic_resolved - Returns true if the given argument is a DynamicResolved value (has either a value or an error property)
  • is_dynamic_value - Returns true if the given argument is a DynamicValue
  • is_dynamic_error - Returns true if the given argument is a DynamicError

Trigger functions:

  • create_trigger_dynamic - Creates a trigger function for DynamicResolved values


# pnpm
$ pnpm add @crikey/stores-dynamic

# npm
$ npm add @crikey/stores-dynamic

# yarn
$ yarn add @crikey/stores-dynamic


Dynamic stores store more than just a simple value, instead they store a DynamicResolved which can itself contain a value via DynamicValue, or an error via DynamicError. Storing values and errors separately facilitates error handling.

Any Readable containing an object with either a value or error property is considered a DynamicReadable and can safely be mixed with this library.

The kind of dynamic can be ascertained by querying its properties. An object with an error property is a DynamicError, an object with a value property is a DynamicValue and an object with a subscribe function is a Readable. Being able to distinguish types in this way allows for a cohesive syntax when dealing with otherwise arbitrary inputs.


The dynamic function has many signatures:

Converting an existing Readable


Convert a regular Readable store to a DynamicReadable by wrapping its value via DynamicValue

Creating a new derived store

dynamic([trigger,] [args,] calculate [,initial_value])

  • trigger - Optional function used for comparing DynamicResolved values and determining if subscribers should be called
  • args - Optional array of arbitrary data to be passed as-is as the first argument to calculate
  • calculate([args,] resolve [,set]) - Callback used to derive the store value. Will be called each time any of the dependencies change
  • initial_value - Initial value of the store. Useful when calculate is async.

If args are provided to dynamic, they are passed unchanged to calculate as the first argument.

If calculate accepts an argument after resolve, it is deemed asynchronous.

resolve can be used to obtain the inner value of any Dynamic.

  • If resolve is called with a DynamicReadable store, then the store will be added as a dependency.
  • If resolve is called with a DynamicError or a DynamicReadable which resolves to a DynamicError, the contained error will be thrown. Each execution of calculate will subscribe to new stores as required and unsubscribe to stores no longer required.

Synchronous dynamic stores which are only dependent on constant inputs (see: DynamicFlagConstant) will be cached. This can be avoided by setting is_const in the result of calculate.


Example: Dynamic dependencies

import {writable} from "@crikey/stores-strict";
import {dynamic} from "@crikey/stores-dynamic";

const a = writable({ value: 0 });
const b = writable({ value: 'b value' });
const c = writable({ value: 'c value' });

const derived = dynamic(
    (resolve) => {
        return resolve(a) % 2 === 0
        ? { value: resolve(b) }
        : { value: resolve(c) }

derived.subscribe((value) => console.log('derived value:', value))

a.set({ value: 1 });

// > derived value: { value: 'b value', dependencies: [a, b] }
// > derived value: { value: 'c value', dependencies: [a, c] }

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