@criticalmanufacturing/generator-iot v11.0.10
Connect IoT Yeoman Generator =========
Generator Versioning
Starting from 7.2.0, each combination of Critical Manufacturing MES version (Major + Minor) will have a dedicated generator to make it easier to keep compatibility.
For versions 7.2.0, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, ..., 7.2.*, use the tag 72x
to install and update the generators
npm i -g @criticalmanufacturing/generator-iot@72x
For versions 8.0.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, ..., 8.0.*, use the tag 80x
to install and update the generators
npm i -g @criticalmanufacturing/generator-iot@80x
Each version will have it's own dedicated branch
https://github.com/criticalmanufacturing/generator-iot/tree/80x ...
generator-iot is a set of scaffolding templates that enable CMF customization teams, partners and customers to easily start a new task, converter or protocol driver within Critical Manufacturing MES
Equipment Integration module (Connect IoT).
Getting Started
Make sure Yeoman
is also installed globally. If not:
npm i -g yo@4.3.1
To start using this generator, it is advisable to have it installed globally (-g setting in NPM).
npm i -g @criticalmanufacturing/generator-iot@110x
Note Starting from 7.2.0, each combination of Critical Manufacturing MES version (Major + Minor) will have a dedicated generator to make it easier to keep compatibility.
For versions 7.2.0, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, ..., 7.2.*, use the tag
(npm i -g @criticalmanufacturing/generator-iot@72x
)For versions 8.0.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, ..., 8.0.*, use the tag
(npm i -g @criticalmanufacturing/generator-iot@80x
To see at any time, the list of available apps, open a terminal window and run:
yo @criticalmanufacturing/iot
There are different types of questions that will be displayed interactively. Some will request for a simple text, others a confirmation (Yes or No), a selection of one option out of many or event a multiple choice.
For both multiple and single choice, use the cursor (Up/Down) to move between the choices and use the Space bar to select/unselect.
All questions are considered answered when the Enter key is pressed.
Use this app to create a new custom library package structure help you getting started. Of course, you still need to implement the tasks and converters (there are also apps to help you)
In a terminal window with the path where the entire package directory will be created, run:
yo @criticalmanufacturing/iot:tasksLibrary
Answer all questions and a new directory with the package skeleton will be available and ready for you to implement the tasks and/or converters.
To create a new task, make sure you have a terminal window open on the path of the root directory of the library package that will contain the new task (must be the same path where the package.json
file is located), and run:
yo @criticalmanufacturing/iot:task
Answer all questions and the task will be created on the src/tasks
directory of the package.
The code generated is the skeleton on the task (base structure), so you have to implement the logic before it is usable.
To create a new converter, make sure you have a terminal window open on the path of the root directory of the library package that will contain the new converter (must be the same path where the package.json
file is located), and run:
yo @criticalmanufacturing/iot:converter
Answer all questions and the converter will be created on the src/converters
directory of the package.
The code generated is the skeleton on the converter (base structure), so you have to implement the logic before it is usable. -->
The driver is the implementation of a protocol.
This app creates an entire new package with all the code necessary to be used by Connect IoT
. Of course, you still need to implement the entire logic.
In a terminal window with the path where the entire package directory will be created, run:
yo @criticalmanufacturing/iot:driver
Answer all questions and a new directory with the protocol driver will be available and ready for you to implement the communication logic.
It is not desirable to have Internet services (NPM, GitHub, etc) as a dependency for the packages that would run on a production environment.
To bypass such dependency, we provide a tool that will pack all the package dependencies from a development environment into a ready-to-be-used package.
The steps this tool executes in background are somehow complicated, but, in a nutshell, it will statically analyze all the dependencies of the package and subsequent dependencies and merge everything into a single index.js
file. Some other dependencies, like configurations, certificates, node addons (*.node) are also added into the resulting package, however, to keep everything in a clean state, some post-processing steps are needed and this tool supports them up to some extent.
In a terminal window run:
yo @criticalmanufacturing/iot:packagePacker --help
The following parameters can be supplied:
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
i, input | String | ${cwd} | Location of the package to pack (directory where the package.json is located) |
o, output | String | (optional) When defined, it is the directory where the .tgz package file will be placed | |
t, temp | String | ${cwd}\__TEMP__ | Temporary directory where the processed files will be placed |
c, config | String | ${cwd}\packConfig.json | Location where the file with the post-processing instructions is located |
a, addons | String | Location where the binary addons (\*.node ) are located. Required to prepare a package that is cross-platform, cross-architecture and supporting multiple Node versions.Note: Due to the complexity of this option, the usage is not described in this documentation and requires some support from our company | |
d, debug | Boolean | false | Activate the debug mode. This mode will not delete the temporary directory allowing the user to properly define the post-processing directives |
v, version | String | Flag that allows to override the version defined in the package.json into an user-defined value |
Configuration file structure
The configuration is a .json file that identifies the type of package and declare post-packing actions to perform to organize, clean and possibly, fix some issues with the result structure.
"type": "<Package Type>",
"postActions": [
{ "type": "<ActionType>", "parameter1": "value1", "parameter2": "value2", "...": "..." },
{ "type": "<ActionType>", "parameter1": "value1", "parameter2": "value2", "...": "..." }
Possible Package Types:
Type | Description |
TasksPackage | Represents a package used to contain Tasks and Converters . The result package will be ready for runtime (no internet dependencies) and for design-time (all .js , .html , .css , etc) required by the GUI but not required for the runtime. |
Component | Represents a package that is only used for runtime (driver, etc) |
Possible Post Actions:
Structure | Description | Example |
DeleteFile (source ) | Deletes the file source | { "type": "DeleteFile", "source": "${Temp}/completion.sh.hbs" } |
DeleteDirectory (source ) | Deletes the directory source | { "type": "DeleteDirectory", "source": "${Temp}/locales" } |
CopyDirectory (source , destination ) | Copies the entire directory structure from source into destination | { "type": "CopyDirectory", "source": "font", "destination": "${Temp}/font" } |
CopyFile (file , source , destination ) | Copy the file file located in the directory source into the directory destination | { "type": "CopyFile", "source": "${Source}/certificates/default.pem", "destination": "${Temp}/examples" } |
MoveFile (file , source , destination ) | Moves the file file located in the directory source into the directory destination | `{ "type": "MoveFile", "file": "client_selfsigned_cert_2048.pem", "source": "${Temp}", "destination": "${Temp}/certificates" } |
ReplaceText (source , search , replace , isRegularExpression ) | In the file source , tried to find all occurrences of search and replaces them with replace . If isRegularExpression the search is expected to be a valid regular expression.Note: Make sure the replaced value is not captured again by the search value, otherwise, the process will enter into an infinite loop. | { "type": "ReplaceText", "source": "${Temp}/index.js", "search":"\"client_selfsigned_cert_2048.pem\"", "replace": "\"/../certificates/client_selfsigned_cert_2048.pem\"" } { "type": "ReplaceText", "source": "${Temp}/index.js", "search":"__webpack_require__\\(\\d*\\)\\('HID-hidraw.node'\\)", "replace": "require(__webpack_require__.ab + \"/../lib/hid-hidraw.node\")", "isRegularExpression": true } |
Some tokens can be used in the Post Actions to be replaced according to the environment/command line arguments:
Token | Description |
${Source} | Source location (argument i , input ) |
${Destination} | Destination location (argument o , output ) |
${Temp} | Temporary location (argument t , temp ) |
${Addons} | Addons location (argument a , addons ) |
Development tips
If you are extending this package, it is easier to have it linked locally. Run the following command from the root directory of the package:
npm link
Version History
History is maintained in the Github page
5 months ago
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8 months ago
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