0.1.5 • Published 6 years ago
@critocrito/namefn v0.1.5
Set the name property of a function.
When programmatically generating functions in JavaScript, they often lack a
name. This reduces the usability of using those functions in a REPL. namefn
is a little helper to set the names of functions at construction time.
npm install @critocrito/namefn
import namefn from "@critocrito/namefn";
const f = namefn("identity", x => x);
console.log(f.name); // identity
f; // [Function: identity]
import namefn from "@critocrito/namefn";
const f = x => () => x;
const g = f(23);
console.log(g.name); // ""
g; // ""
const constant23 = namefn("constant23", f(23));
console.log(constant23.name); // "constant23"
constant23; // "[Function: constant23]"
The following example implements a curry
function, and includes the number
of missing arguments in the function name.
import namefn from "@critocrito/namefn";
const curry = n => {
const localCurry = (name, f, ...args) => {
const g = (...largs) => {
const rest = args.concat(largs);
if (rest.length < n) return localCurry(name, f, ...rest);
return f(...rest);
return namefn(`${name}-${n - args.length}`, g);
return namefn(`curry${n}`, localCurry);
const curry2 = curry(2);
const map = curry2("map", (f, xs) => xs.map(f));
map; // [Function: map-2]
const addOne = map(i => i + 1);
addOne; // [Function: map-1]