1.1.5 • Published 5 months ago

@crossfox/utils v1.1.5

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5 months ago

Utils by CrossFox

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The @crossfox/utils package is a collection of useful utilities and functions designed to streamline and enhance the development process of web applications and other software projects. This package provides developers with a set of tools for more efficient work, reducing code duplication, and improving overall productivity.

  • 🌟 Easy to use
  • ⚡ High performance
  • 🔗 No dependency


npm install @crossfox/utils
yarn add @crossfox/utils

Functions and Utilities


  • isEmpty(value: any): boolean

    	The `isEmpty` function checks if a value is empty (null, undefined, empty string, or empty array).
    	- `value`: The value to check.
    	Returns: `true` if the value is empty, `false` otherwise.
  • crop(obj: Record<string, any>, keys: string[], isDelete = false): Record<string, any>

    	The `crop` function creates a new object containing the specified keys from the source object, with an option to delete the keys from the source object.
    	- `obj`: The source object.
    	- `keys`: An array of keys to extract.
    	- `isDelete` (default `false`): An option to delete the keys from the source object.
    	Returns a new object with the selected keys.
  • setObject(obj: Record<string, any>): (...args: any[]) => Record<string, any>

    	The `setObject` function dynamically sets keys and values in an object using a variadic function.
    	- `obj`: The source object.
    	Returns a function that accepts key-value pairs to add to the object and returns the updated object.
  • takeItem(arr: Record<string, any>, column: string, def = null): any

    	The `takeItem` function is used to retrieve a value from an object and optionally remove it.
    	- `arr`: The source object.
    	- `column`: The key to retrieve the value.
    	- `def` (default `null`): The default value to return if the key is missing.
    	Returns the extracted value or the default value if the key is missing.


  • isString(value: any): boolean

    	The `isString` function checks if a value is a string.
    	- `value`: The value to check.
    	Returns `true` if the value is a string, `false` otherwise.
  • isNull(value: any): boolean

    	The `isNull` function checks if a value is null.
    	- `value`: The value to check.
    	Returns `true` if the value is null, `false` otherwise.
  • isBoolean(value: any): boolean

    	The `isBoolean` function checks if a value is a boolean (true or false).
    	- `value`: The value to check.
    	Returns `true` if the value is a boolean, `false` otherwise.
  • checkType(prefix: string, name: string, value: any, type: (() => void) | string): void

    	The `checkType` function validates the type of a value and compares it to the specified type or a custom validation function.
    	- `prefix`: The prefix for error messages.
    	- `name`: The name of the value.
    	- `value`: The value to check.
    	- `type`: The type to compare (string or function).
    	Throws a `TypeError` exception if the type does not match the expected type.


  • range(min: number, max: number, step: number | null): number[]

    	The `range` function generates an array of numbers within a specified range.
    	- `min`: The lower limit of the range.
    	- `max`: The upper limit of the range.
    	- `step` (default `null`): The step for generating numbers. If not specified, a step of 1 is used.
    	Returns an array of numbers within the specified range.
  • parseJSON(str: string, def = {}): Record<string, any>

    	The `parseJSON` function parses a JSON string and returns a JavaScript object with error handling.
    	- `str`: The JSON string to parse.
    	- `def` (default `{}`): The default value to return in case of parsing errors.
    	Returns the parsed object or the default value in case of errors.
  • maskValue(v: string, mask: string, clearExp = /\s+|^0-9+/g): string

    	The `maskValue` function applies a mask to a string value, formatting it according to the provided mask.
    	- `value`: The string value.
    	- `mask`: The mask for formatting.
    	- `clearExp` (default `/\s+|[^0-9]+/g`): A regular expression for clearing the string of unnecessary characters.
    	Returns the formatted string.
  • classNames(...args: any[]): string (Added in v1.1)

    	The `classNames` function takes a variable number of arguments and combines them into a single string, separating them with spaces. It filters the provided arguments, excluding any falsy values (`false`, `null`, `undefined`, `''`).
    	- `...args`: Variable-length arguments representing classes.
    	This function is useful for dynamically generating a string of classes in various scenarios.
    	Returns a string containing the combined classes.
  • isSimpleObject (...args: any[]): string (Added in v1.1)

    	The isSimpleObject function is a utility that checks whether the given object is a plain, simple object.
    	Returns `true` if the value is a boolean, `false` otherwise.



import {
} from '@crossfox/utils';

// Example of using the takeItem function
const data = { name: 'John', age: 30 };
const name = takeItem(data, 'name');

// Example of using the crop function
const sourceObj = { name: 'Alice', age: 25, country: 'USA' };
const keysToCrop = ['name', 'age'];
const croppedObj = crop(sourceObj, keysToCrop, true);

// Example of using the setObject function
const obj = { firstName: 'Jane' };
const updatedObj = setObject(obj)('lastName', 'Doe', age, 21);

// Example of using the isEmpty function
const emptyValue = null;
const isValueEmpty = isEmpty(emptyValue);

// Example of using the isString function
const stringValue = 'Hello';
const isStringValue = isString(stringValue);

// Example of using the isNull function
const nullValue = null;
const isNullValue = isNull(nullValue);

// Example of using the isBoolean function
const booleanValue = true;
const isBooleanValue = isBoolean(booleanValue);

// Example of using the checkType function
checkType('validate', 'stringValue', stringValue, 'string');
// Uncomment the following line to see a TypeError exception, as the type 'string' does not match the nullValue variable
// checkType('validate', 'nullValue', nullValue, 'string');

// Example of using the range function
const numbersInRange = range(1, 5); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

// Example of using the parseJSON function
const jsonString = '{"name": "Karina", "age": 26}';
const parsedObject = parseJSON(jsonString); 

// Example of using the maskValue function
const maskedString = maskValue('12345678', 'XXX-XXX-XXX'); // 123-456-789

// Example of using the classNames function
const maskedString = classNames(props.className, false && 'active', 'container'); // 'classWithProps container'

// Example of using the isSimpleObject
if(isSimpleObject({name: 'Alex'})){
	console.log("This is a plain object.");

5 months ago


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