1.5.0 • Published 4 years ago

@css-blocks/ember v1.5.0

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Last release
4 years ago


An ember-cli addon for Ember applications using CSS Blocks applications, addons, and engines that author stylesheets using CSS Blocks.

This addon is only part of the Ember build pipeline for CSS Blocks! Any application that consumes CSS Blocks from itself, an addon, or an engine will need the @css-blocks/ember-app addon as a dependency.

Basic Usage

  1. Add this addon as a dependency to your application, addon, or engine.
  2. Also make sure you the application adds @css-blocks/ember-app as a dependency.
  3. Run ember build. See the README for `@css-blocks/ember-app for more instructions.


The following options can be passed as options to the css-blocks property in your application's ember-cli-build.js.

  • output - <string> Changes the filename where css-block's styles are written into the app/styles directory during the build. If this is set, the styles are never concatenated automatically with app/styles/app.css.
  • aliases - <object> The keys of this object import aliases accept values that are absolute paths to a directory containing CSS Block files. E.g. {myblocks: path.resolve(__dirname, '../blocks')} would cause @block foo from 'myblocks/header.block.css'; to import the header.block.css file in the ../blocks directory.
  • analysisOpts - Template analysis options. You probably don't need to set these.
  • parserOpts - Options passed to the CSS Blocks parser and compiler. If not set, these options are loaded automatically from a css-blocks.config.js file. Using a CSS Blocks configuration file will allow other tools like the CSS Blocks command line (@css-blocks/cli) to load the same options as your ember application.
  • optimization - Options passed to the Opticss optimizer. This can be used to selectively enable or disable specific optimizations or to explicitly disable all optimizations by setting the enable option to false.

Common Gotchas

This section is devoted to common issues you might run into when working with this addon.

Nothing yet...

There's nothing here yet, but we'll add things here as the need arises.

More Reading