1.3.4 • Published 4 years ago

@cubabit/es-policy v1.3.4

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4 years ago

Cubabit ES Policy

Use this in your new projects to pull in a shared and versioned:

  • Typescript config
  • Eslint config
  • Prettier config
  • Jest config


Currently node, node-module and react projects are supported.

npx cubabit-set-up-project --type [node,node-module,react]

This will:

  • Insert scripts into your package.json scripts sections for compilation, testing, linting and building
  • Create symlinks for typescript, eslint and prettier configs
  • Create a symlink to jest configuration
  • Add these symlinks to .gitignore
  • Run the script in postinstall so that the symlinks are there when the project is checked-out and deps installed with yarn

The relevant dependencies (typescript, eslint, jest, webpack, prettier etc) are installed as deps of this library so you do not need to add them to your project.

The script will check for existing changes, so can generally be run safely more than once.