0.0.6 • Published 4 years ago

@cupcake-ds/schematics v0.0.6

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4 years ago

Angular Schematics Collection

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tl:dr; Angular schematics collection for integrating setup tools.

This library contains some basic schematics for scaffolding well known tools like prettier, storybook or travis. It extends the official Angular schematics which allows you to define the collection as your default collection and still use all official Angular schematics (module, service, etc.).


To install the schematics collection use the following command:

$ ng add @pascaliske/schematics



Generate a new Angular component including Storybook related files.

ng generate component <name> [...flags]


The following options can be used to tweak the result of the schematic. All options you leave out will be prompted interactively.

--name | string

Define a name for the newly generated component.

--skip-story | boolean

Allows you to skip the generation of storybook related files. (Same as running the default component schematic of Angular)

  • Default: false


Integrate Prettier formatting into your Angular project.

ng generate prettier [...flags]


The following options can be used to tweak the result of the schematic. All options you leave out will be prompted interactively.

--files | string

Define which files are formatted by prettier.

  • Default: src/**/*.{ts,scss,html,md}

Note: Don't forget to wrap the string in quotes to prevent resolving globs (*, **, etc.) through your terminal!

--skip-install | boolean

Skip the installation process of newly added dependencies.

  • Default: false
--skip-hook | boolean

Don't add a pre-commit hook for running prettier during commit process.

  • Default: false
--skip-script | boolean

Don't add a script to your package.json for easier running prettier.

  • Default: false
--excludes | string

Add a .prettierignore file with exclude rules. Use a comma separated string to add multiple exclude rules.

Note: Don't forget to wrap the string in quotes to prevent resolving globs (*, **, etc.) through your terminal!

--print-width | number

Choose a max line width for breaking single lines into multiple.

  • Possible values: 80 | 100 | 120 | 140
  • Default: 100
--use-tabs | boolean

Use tab based indentation instead of the default space based one.

  • Default: false
--tab-width | number

Specify the number of spaces per indentation-level.

  • Possible values: 2 | 4
  • Default: 4
--trailing-comma | string

Print trailing commas wherever possible when multi-line.

  • Possible values: none | es5 | all
  • Default: all
--arrow-parens | string

Include parentheses around a single arrow function parameter.

  • Possible values: avoid| always
  • Default: avoid
--semi | boolean

Print semicolons at the ends of statements.

  • Default: false
--single-quote | boolean

Use single quotes instead of double quotes.

  • Default: true
--bracket-spacing | boolean

Print spaces between brackets in object literals.

  • Default: true


Integrate commit linting into your Angular project.

ng generate commit-lint [...flags]


The following options can be used to tweak the result of the schematic. All options you leave out will be prompted interactively.

--skip-install | boolean

Skip the installation process of newly added dependencies.

  • Default: false
--preset | string

Specify the preset that the linter will use.

  • Possible values: conventional
  • Default: conventional
--header-length | number

Specify the header length that the linter will check.

  • Possible values: 100
  • Default: 100


Integrate Snyk security testing into your Angular project.

ng generate snyk [...flags]


The following options can be used to tweak the result of the schematic. All options you leave out will be prompted interactively.

--skip-install | boolean

Skip the installation process of newly added dependencies.

  • Default: false
--skip-script | boolean

Don't add a script to your package.json for easier running snyk.

  • Default: false


Integrate Travis CI into your Angular project.

ng generate travis [...flags]


The following options can be used to tweak the result of the schematic. All options you leave out will be prompted interactively.

--versions | string

Specify which versions the Travis CI file should contain. To specify multiple versions use a comma separated string.

--package-manager | string

Specify the package manger to be used in your Travis CI file.

  • Possible values: yarn | npm
  • Default: yarn


Integrate Storybook into your Angular project.

ng generate storybook [...flags]


The following options can be used to tweak the result of the schematic. All options you leave out will be prompted interactively.

--config | string

Specify the config folder for storybook.

  • Default: .storybook
--skip-install | boolean

Skip the installation process of newly added dependencies.

  • Default: false
--skip-script | boolean

Don't add a script to your package.json for easier running storybook.

  • Default: false
name | string

Specify the name of your storybook.

theme | string

Specify the theme for storybook.

  • Possible values: normal | dark
  • Default: dark
port | number

Specify the port for storybook.

  • Default: 9001


Integrate ngw wrapper into your Angular project.

ng generate ngw [...flags]


The following options can be used to tweak the result of the schematic. All options you leave out will be prompted interactively.

--skip-install | boolean

Skip the installation process of newly added dependencies.

  • Default: false
--skip-script | boolean

Don't add script entries to your package.json for automatically running through ngw wrapper.

  • Default: false
--dashboard | boolean

Add webpack dashboard plugin.

  • Default: true
--visualizer | boolean

Add webpack visualizer plugin.

  • Default: true
--purify-css | boolean

Add webpack purify css plugin.

  • Default: true
--versions | boolean

Add automatic version constant replacements.

  • Default: true