0.0.3 • Published 4 years ago

@curefit/genesis v0.0.3

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Last release
4 years ago

Genesis - Project Generator

Genesis is a project-boilerplate generator for Javacript projects using React and NodeJS for front end and middle-layer respectively. Genesis is a command-line-interface which prompts user for their choices in project tech stack and generates boilerplate code for the same.

Genesis provides you a ready to work project with all basic utilities installed and setup.

Installation ⚡️

To use genesis, you first need to install it.

To install genesis,

yarn global add genesis

or using npm,

npm install -g genesis

Usage 🚀

Using genesis is easy, once installed, enter -


on the terminal and enter.

Genesis will prompt you for answers to certain questions and your choices for the project.

Genesis also supports the following flags to get up and started quicky.

genesis <project-name> --typescript, --emotion,  --scss,  --version,  --help, --skip, -ts (typescript), -v (version), -h (help)

To know more about the flags, use the -h or --help flag.

Known Issues 👀

  • Genesis is still in development and works best for typescript projects. Javascript projects are supported but we are still working to get them fully supported.

Contributing 😇

  • Clone the repo using git clone git@github.com:curefit/genesis.git
  • Create a new branch for your changes.
  • Test your changes locally using yarn build-link which creates a local symlink for genesis.
  • Publish beta version using version-beta-<beta-number>-<author> version and beta tags.
  • Raise a PR to publish to stable release.

Roadmap 🛣

  • Better support for javascript projects.

Help & About 👨🏻‍💻

We recommend Typescript + Emotion + Reach Router for best and latest setup.

Raise an issue if you find one and in case you have any feature requests or contact @anuj-modi for help, fixes and feature requests.


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4 years ago