0.0.2 • Published 2 years ago

@curvegrid/multibaas-nft v0.0.2

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Last release
2 years ago

MultiBaas NFT Library

This document describes MultiBaas NFT as a UMD Bundle or NPM package.

UMD Bundle

For the UMD bundle, include the file in a script tag:

<script src="mb-nft-lib.js"></script>

Functions can then be accessed in the mb namespace:

const mbClient = await new mb.MBClient({ ...

Otherwise, the functionality is equivalent to that described below.

NPM Package

cp mb-nft-v0.x.x.tgz /your-project-folder
cd /your-project-folder
npm install mb-nft-v0.x.x.tgz

MultiBaas Client

Initialize MultiBaas Client

import { MBClient } from 'mb-nft';

mbClient = new MBClient({
  mbHost: 'https://xyz.multibaas.com',


Initialize Web3

import { Web3 } from 'mb-nft';

web3 = await Web3.initWeb3();

Auction House

Initialize Auction House

import { ZoraAuctionHouse } from 'mb-nft';

zoraAuctionHouse = await new ZoraAuctionHouse({
  mbClient: mbClient,
  web3: web3,

Create Auction

const auction = {
  tokenId: 5, // Auction creator must be token owner
  signer: web3.currentAccount,
  duration: 3600,
  reservePrice: '0.005',
  // curator: ,
  // curatorFeePercentage: ,
  // auctionCurrency: ,
await zoraAuctionHouse.createAuction(auction);

Create Bid

const bid = {
  auctionId: 5,
  signer: web3.currentAccount,
  bidPrice: '0.005',
await zoraAuctionHouse.createBid(bid);

Get Auction Details by Auction ID

Returns auction details included auction ID.

const auctionDetails = await zoraAuctionHouse.getAuctionDetailsByAuctionId({ auctionId: 12 });

Get Auction Details by Token ID

const auctionDetails = await zoraAuctionHouse.getAuctionDetailsByTokenId({ tokenId: 5 });

Get Remaining Time

Returns remaining time as an object { h, m, s } where h, m, s are the integer values of hours, minutes, and seconds respectively.

  <span>Ends in {{ remainingTime.h }}H {{ remainingTime.m }}m {{ remainingTime.s }}s</span>
setInterval(async () => {
  const requestArgs = {
    auctionID: 6,
    sync: true,
  remainingTime = await zoraAuctionHouse.getRemainingTimeHMS(requestArgs);
}, 1000);