0.0.3 • Published 8 months ago

@cxc.world/web4-atomicassets v0.0.3

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8 months ago

Web4 Tools for Atomic Assets

NFT tools to empower WAX Metadata Standards using spacetime data (web4) on Atomic Assets in node.js


This NPM package provides a set of functions to interact with the AtomicAssets API, particularly focusing on retrieving NFT (Non-Fungible Token) data based on various filters and criteria. The package utilizes the ExplorerApi and RpcApi from the atomicassets module to fetch data from the WAX blockchain.


getSchemasWithFields(collectionName, fieldsToCheck)

  • Purpose: Retrieves schemas from a specified collection that contain specific fields, aggregated across templates.
  • Parameters:
    • collectionName: String. The name of the collection to check.
    • fieldsToCheck: Array of strings (optional). Fields to check for in the schemas. Defaults to a predefined set.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to an object. This object contains schema names and an array of fields present in each schema.

getTemplatesWithFields(collectionName, fieldsToCheck)

  • Purpose: Fetches template data from a collection that matches the specified fields.
  • Parameters:
    • collectionName: String. The name of the collection.
    • fieldsToCheck: Array of strings (optional). Fields to check within the templates.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to an object. This object maps schema names to their respective fields found in the templates.

getNFTsWithFields(collectionName, fieldsToCheck)

  • Purpose: Retrieves NFTs from a collection that contain specific data fields.
  • Parameters:
    • collectionName: String. The name of the collection.
    • fieldsToCheck: Array of strings (optional). Fields to check for in the NFT data.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to an array of NFTs that match the specified fields.

getNFTsByField(collectionName, fieldFilters)

  • Purpose: Fetches NFTs from a collection filtered by specific data fields.
  • Parameters:
    • collectionName: String. The name of the collection.
    • fieldFilters: Object. An object where keys are field names and values are the field values to filter by.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to an array of NFTs filtered by the specified fields.

getNFTsByNation(collectionName, nation, fieldFilters)

  • Purpose: Retrieves NFTs from a collection filtered by a specific nation and other data fields.
  • Parameters:
    • collectionName: String. The name of the collection.
    • nation: String (optional). The Alpha-3 version of ISO 3166 nation name.
    • fieldFilters: Object. An object where keys are field names and values are the field values to filter by.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to an array of NFTs filtered by the specified nation and other fields.


To use this package, you need to install it via NPM:

npm install @cxc.world/web4-atomicassets


Import the desired functions from the package in your JavaScript file:

import { getSchemasWithFields, getTemplatesWithFields, getNFTsWithFields, getNFTsByField, getNFTsByNation } from '@cxc.world/web4-atomicassets';

You can then call these functions with the appropriate parameters to interact with the AtomicAssets API and retrieve NFT data based on your criteria. The endpoint https://wax.api.atomicassets.io and atomicassets contract are used by default.


  • atomicassets: This package relies on the atomicassets module for interacting with the AtomicAssets API.

Make sure these dependencies are installed in your environment to ensure proper functioning.

Created with 💜 by cXc


8 months ago


8 months ago


8 months ago