1.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

@cypress/electron-plugin v1.1.0

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Last release
5 years ago


Cypress plugin for testing Electron applications

See example project cypress-example-electron


Currently we only do window.loadURL from tests.


⚠️ This plugin and Cypress Test Runner are highly experimental alpha previews. Thus the instructions to install and use this plugin are complicated. In the future we expect it to be as simple as installing any other Cypress plugin:

npm i -D cypress @cypress/electron-plugin

Follow issue #4964 for official progress.

Install Cypress pre-release

Currently though you need to install a Cypress pre-release from branch test-electron-app-4964. On that branch, pick a commit, like 05caf3, and if a Cypress binary has been built (we don't build beta releases on that branch for all platforms), then there should be a comment with installation instructions, like this one.

Beta build installation instructions

I am using Mac so architecture darwin x64 is what I need; and to install the new version I need both the environment variable CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY and the matching NPM module url.

For example, I will install Electron plugin

export CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=https://cdn.cypress.io/beta/binary/3.5.0/darwin-x64/circle-test-electron-app-4964-05caf31764a934d1446b46ae62b23dacfaef6afc-151612/cypress.zip
npm install -D https://cdn.cypress.io/beta/npm/3.5.0/circle-test-electron-app-4964-05caf31764a934d1446b46ae62b23dacfaef6afc-151611/cypress.tgz

Tip: Cypress might think that you have already installed v3.5.0 and will refuse to install the new commit SHA again. Find the path to the Cypress cache folder and remove the version subfolder and install again.

$ npx cypress cache path
$ rm -rf /Users/gleb/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.5.0/

Or you can first install Cypress NPM module with npm i <cypress npm url> and then call

$ npx cypress install -f

Warning: you probably will see the full NPM url of Cypress beta release in package.json.

  "devDependencies": {
    "cypress": "https://cdn.cypress.io/beta/npm/3.5.0/circle-test-electron-app-4964-05caf31764a934d1446b46ae62b23dacfaef6afc-151611/cypress.tgz",

Note that this will only work if you have previous installed beta release binary, or set export CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY= variable before running npm i in the future.

Install this plugin

$ npm i -D @cypress/electron-plugin
+ @cypress/electron-plugin@1.1.0

Add new custom command to cypress/support/index.js file

import '@cypress/electron-plugin/support'

This plugin provides new custom commands to interact with your application, like cy.electronVisitUrl.

Use your Electron to run tests

Your project uses Electron to load and run your main.js file. Install it

$ npm i -D electron
+ electron@6.0.9

You need to tell Cypress about this Electron and remove any normal browsers from the Cypress browsers list - you cannot run Electron tests in a "normal" Chrome for example. You can modify the run-time list of browsers using cypress/plugins/index.js file.

const path = require('path')
const pkg = require('../../package')

const pathToElectron = path.join(
module.exports = (on, config) => {
  // remove "standard" browsers and use
  // our local Electron as a browser
  config.browsers = [
      name: 'electron-sandbox',
      family: 'electron-app',
      displayName: 'electron-sandbox',
      version: pkg.version,
      path: pathToElectron,
      // show full package version in the browser dropdown
      majorVersion: `v${pkg.version}`,
        pkg.description || 'Electron.js app that supports the Cypress launcher'

  return config

When you start Cypress you should just see the Electron in the list of browsers.

Only your local Electron is shown

Refactor your application

We need to be able to recreate the main browser window on demand during tests, probably even before each test. To achieve this, your application should separate application start from creating the main window.

A typical Electron application starts running the main.js script file. Usually that file creates the browser window. To make it testable, move browser creation into a separate file, let's call it main_browser_window.js. That file should export just a single function that would create the window when called.

// main_browser_window.js
const _ = require('lodash')
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
module.exports = (options = {}) => {
  _.defaultsDeep(options, {
    width: 200,
    height: 200,
    webPreferences: {
      nodeIntegration: true
  let win = new BrowserWindow(options)
  // attach any other event handlers as usual
  return win

From main.js we import the window factory function and call once. This is the normal application flow.

// main.js
const { app } = require('electron')
const MainBrowserWindow = require('./main_browser_window')
let win
function createWindow () {
  // Create the browser window.
  win = MainBrowserWindow()
app.on('ready', createWindow)

Writing tests

Example test should tell Cypress the path to the main browser window factory file, and the url to load.

// cypress/integration/spec.js
it('clicks', () => {
  // window creation and url load
  cy.electronVisitUrl('./main_browser_window.js', 'http://localhost:4600')
  cy.get('#clicked').should('have.text', '2')

When Cypress opens the local Electron app, instead of YOUR main.js it loads @cypress/electron-plugin file. This file creates the initial runner UI and starts running tests. Then cy.electronVisitUrl is called and Cypress creates new Electron browser window using YOUR window factory function. Cypress can still control your window and see everything that happens inside its web contents. In a picture the flow looks like this:

Electron testing flow


You can try running Cypress with DEBUG environment set, for example

DEBUG=cypress:launcher npx cypress open

To see ALL Cypress messages

DEBUG=cypress:* npx cypress open


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.