0.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

@david-boydell/cypress-layout v0.0.2

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Last release
4 years ago


Verifies the position and dimensions of HTML elements on your page, for use with cypress.io.

You do this by describing the HTML elements relative to other elements on the page, or even the page itself. This builds up an overall on your page have not changed.

This is very much at an alpha stage, there may be bugs I have not spotted and gaps I have not forseen; any feedback is most welcome so either get me on slack or you are also more than welcome to raise an issue here.


You need to have Cypress.io installed.


In your command line interface (CLI) navigate to your project folder and run:

npm install @david-boydell/cypress-layout

Once installed update cypress/support/index.js file to include:

import 'cypress-layout'

Optionally, but recommended, you can add the following config values config.roundLayoutValues = true and config.removePadding = true; to Cypress/plugins/index.js:

module.exports = (on, config) => {
  // `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
  // `config` is the resolved Cypress config
  config.roundLayoutValues = true
  config.removePadding = true;
  return config

roundLayoutValues rounds all px and % values to the nearest whole number. The second config item removePadding informs the plugin whether you would like to calculate

Getting started

To get started paste the following into a new file in cypress/integration and run it:

describe('Getting started with cypress-layout', () => {
  it('asserts left alignment', () => {
      cy.viewport(1680, 1050);
      cy.get('nav').should('be.leftAligned', 'main');

Let's add something that will fail, add the following line under cy.get('nav')...

cy.get('nav').should('be.leftAligned', '#root > main > div > div > section:nth-child(1)');

If you run that again you should see the following error:

CypressError: Timed out retrying: expected nav to be left aligned with #root > main > div > div > section:nth-child(1)

You may also have noticed that the test took longer. Cypress will retest the assertion until either the test passes or the timeout is reached.

Let's change the assertion so that our test all pass, update the line to be:

cy.get('nav').should('not.be.leftAligned', '#root > main > div > div > section:nth-child(1)');

Following is a list of all the available layout assertions.

The assertions

The assertions should be used like any other Cypress Assertion.


Tests alignment with another element.

topAligned{string} element-selector.should('be.topAligned', 'selector')
rightAligned{string} element-selector.should('be.rightAligned', 'selector')
bottomAligned{string} element-selector.should('be.bottomAligned', 'selector')
leftAligned{string} element-selector.should('be.leftAligned', 'selector')


Tests whether an element is positioned relative to another element.

rightOf{string} element-selector, {int} pixels.should('be.rightOf', 'selector', 16)
leftOf{string} element-selector, {int} pixels.should('be.be.leftOf', 'selector', 16)
above{string} element-selector, {int} pixels.should('be.above', 'selector', 16)
below{string} element-selector, {int} pixels.should('be.below', 'selector', 16)


Test the dimensions of elements. You can check either the absolute dimensions using e.g. width or test the proportions relative to another element using e.g. widthOf

width{int} pixels.should('have.width', 100)
height{int} pixels.should('have.height', 100)
widthOf{string} element-selector, {float} percent.should('have.widthOf', 'selector', 1) // 100% width
heightOf{string} element-selector, {float} percent.should('have.heightOf', 'selector', 0.5) // 50% height


There are two versions of inside.

The first accepts just a selector for an element, in this case the assertion is just to verify that the element is inside the other regardless of the dimensions.

The second accepts an object that can contain one to four properties: top, right, bottom and/or left. For example, if you wanted to test that your logo image was inside the header element with 10px clearance at the top and bottom, and 20px from the left handside you would supply e.g. { top: 10, bottom: 10, left: 20 }; you can supply them in any order.

inside{string} element-selector.should('be.inside', 100)
inside{string} element-selector, {object} { top: {int}, right: {int}, bottom: {int}, left: {int} }.should('be.inside', 'selector', { top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10 })
centred{string} element-selector.should('be.centred', 'selector')
centred{string} element-selector, {string} axis.should('be.centred', 'selector', 'horizontally')

A couple of notes on centred. The assertion accepts an optional parameter axis, this is either 'vertically' or 'horizontally' - the assertion defaults to 'vertically'. The assertion also checks that the element is fully inside the one within which it should be centred - if it is not inside your test will fail with the error will be that the element is not inside the other (rather than not being centred)

Just a head's up!

If you want to work with elements that are added post-loaded ( i.e. added to page after it loads) you need to cy.get it before attempting any layout checks. A good example of this is the cookie banner on the article page https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce9992y0reyo, the following test will fail:

it('tests the header', () => {
    .isBelow(el.cookieBanner, '0px')

This is because the x, y co-ordinates of the header and the cookieBanner are 0, 0. You need to have the test set up as follows for this to pass.

it('tests the header', () => {
  cy.get(el.cookieBanner) // This needs to be called first
    .isBelow(el.cookieBanner, '0px')