0.1.1 • Published 9 months ago

@dbp-toolkit/tabulator-table v0.1.1

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9 months ago

Tabulator table web component

This web component allows to create a table with tabulator-tables.


You can install these components via npm:

npm i @dbp-toolkit/tabulator-table

After you have installed the tabulator-table component via npm you can use this example to create interactive, sortable tables. This component is a wrapper around tabulator.

<script type="module" src="node_modules/@dbp-toolkit/tabulator-table/dist/dbp-tabulator-table.js"></script>

Or you can include the JS files directly via CDN:

<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@dbp-toolkit/tabulator-table@0.0.1/dist/tabulator-table.js"></script>




  • lang (optional, default: de): set to de or en for German or English
    • example <dbp-tabulator-table lang="de"></dbp-tabulator-table>
  • identifier (optional string, default: table): set the css selector id of the table element
    • example <dbp-tabulator-table identifier="my-table-id"></dbp-tabulator-table>
  • options (optional object, can be set later, default: { layout: "fitColumns", autoColumns: true, }): set the options for the tabulator table
    • example <dbp-tabulator-table options="{'myoption': 'a'}"></dbp-tabulator-table>
    • you can set a tabulator to automatically generate its own columns by setting the option autoColumns: true and you can edit automatically generated columns by using the function autoColumnsDefinitions:[ {field:"<field-name>", <property>: value}, ... ],
  • data (optional array, can be set later or can be updated): set the data for the tabulator table
    • example <dbp-tabulator-table data="[{a: 123, b: 123}, {a: 234, b: 234}]"></dbp-tabulator-table>
  • pagination-enabled (optional bool, default: false): set to true if you want a pagination shown
    • example <dbp-tabulator-table pagination-enabled></dbp-tabulator-table>
  • pagination-size (optional number, default: 10): sets the pagination size, if pagination is enabled
    • example <dbp-tabulator-table pagination-size="20"></dbp-tabulator-table>
  • select-all-enabled (optional bool, default: false): enables a select all button in the left upper corner
    • example <dbp-tabulator-table select-all-enabled></dbp-tabulator-table>
  • select-rows-enabled (optional bool, default: false): allows the user to select rows by clicking on them
    • example <dbp-tabulator-table select-rows-enabled></dbp-tabulator-table>
  • collapse-enabled (optional bool, default: false): add columns that do not fit into the table into a hidden list of column titles and values

    • example <dbp-tabulator-table collapse-enabled></dbp-tabulator-table>
    • hint: If you want to set one or more columns into a list of titles and values, you need to set said columns to a responsive value bigger than 0 (e.g. responsive:3) and to set the columns' width so that they will not all fit into the tabulator

Important functions

  • setData(data): This function sets data of the tabulator table.
    • data is an array of data which should be shown in the table.
  • getRows(): returns an array with all the rows of the table.
  • updateRow(row, newData): updates a given row of the tabulator table with new data. -row represents the row object we want to update. -newData represents the new data we want to update. it has to be an object {'column': 'value', ...}
  • deleteRow(row): This function deletes the given row from the specified tabulator table. -row represents the id of the row we want to delete.
  • deleteSelectedRows(): This function deletes the selected rows (by clicking) of the tabulator.
  • setFilter(listOfFilters): This function filters the tabulator table according to the given list of filters.
  • removeFilter(): This function removes the filters set on the tabulator.
  • expandAll(): This function expands all the collapsed columns inside hidden lists of the tabulator table
  • collapseAll(): This function collapses all the expanded columns inside hidden lists of the tabulator table


In best practice options is set if the dom is already rendered. You can set this attribute with the css selector. (e.g.: this._('#my-table-component).options = myoptions)

Set data only works if the options are set before.


dbp-tabulator-table needs the tabulator-tables/css/tabulator.min.css in the package path and the icons in @dbp-toolkit/common/icons/ imported.

Local development

# get the source
git clone git@github.com:digital-blueprint/toolkit.git
cd toolkit/packages/tabulator-table

# install dependencies
npm install

# constantly build dist/bundle.js and run a local web-server on port 8002 
npm run watch-local

# build local packages in dist directory
npm run build

Jump to http://localhost:8002 and you should get a demo page.