1.0.6 • Published 1 year ago

@deadlock-delegate/twitter-bot v1.0.6

Weekly downloads
Last release
1 year ago

Core Twitter BoT

Plugin used by @arkdelegates and @solardelegates Twitter account

❤️ Support maintenance and development of plugins

If you find this or other plugins useful please consider voting for deadlock delegate on Solar or Ark networks.


Adding plugin to config

Before restarting your process, you need to add the plugin into the very end core.plugins or relay.plugins section of app.json file:

  "package": "@deadlock-delegate/twitter-bot",
  "options": {
    "enabled": true,
    "consumerKey": "",
    "consumerSecret": "",
    "accessToken": "",
    "accessTokenSecret": "",

For production (eg. mainnet/testnet/devnet):

  1. Install plugin: <command> plugin:install @deadlock-delegate/notifier, eg: ark plugin:install @deadlock-delegate/notifier or solar plugin:install @deadlock-delegate/notifier2. Add plugin to app.json
  2. Start your node as you usually start it

For development:

Assuming you don't run testnet locally via docker:

  1. Clone this plugin into plugins/ directory of the core project
  2. Add plugin to app.json, for testnet the file can be found in: core/packages/core/bin/config/testnet/app.json
  3. Go into the plugin's directory: cd twitter-bot
  4. Build plugin: yarn build
  5. Run yarn full:testnet inside core/packages/core directory to start testnet with notifier plugin

Configuration explanation

  "package": "@deadlock-delegate/twitter-bot",
  "options": {
    "enabled": true,
    "consumerKey": "",
    "consumerSecret": "",
    "accessToken": "",
    "accessTokenSecret": "",



MIT © deadlock