0.0.4 • Published 1 year ago

@departurelabs/quark-checkout v0.0.4

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1 year ago



Currently Quark is only available as a testnet. No real tokens are being used except for Quark's own TEST token.


npm i -S @departurelabs/quark-checkout


Example integration:

import { initialize, TOKENS, PROVIDERS } from "@departurelabs/quark-checkout"

const { checkout } = initialize(
  provider: PROVIDERS.II,
  domain: "https://34dvu-aqaaa-aaaah-qc6ua-cai.ic0.app",
  notify: {
    principalId: "dlftw-sqaaa-aaaaa-danil-cai",
    methodName: "canisterMethod",
  integrator: "company@testnet.quark",
  callback: event => {
    if (event.data.result === "Accepted") {
    } else {

const basket = [
    name: "Spoon",
    description: "Use this for your soup",
    value: 10000000,
    token: TOKENS.TEST,


You can also see our example project tori which we use for testing and development.

Configuration validation

To help you integrate Quark we have another package to validate your configuration and basket values in runtime. This package is not ment for production, but to help you ensure you're using the correct configuration and basket values

See: @departurelabs/quark-checkout.validate

Configuration properties

  • provider: The provider used to authenticate the user. This value is used to redirect the user quickly to the correct authentication page when they are checking out but not yet authenticated. See Authentication providers for a list of the providers we currently support.
  • domain: The domain quark-checkout will send a user to upon checkout. In the future, we expect larger services might want to self-host their own checkout pages.
  • notify: An object containing the Principal ID as a string and the name of the canister method as a string.
  • notify.principalId: The Principal ID of the canister that will receive the callback from the Quark canister. Learn more about the canister implementation
  • notify.methodName: We call this canister method when a user completes a transaction. The Canister will be required to accept or deny each incoming transaction. Learn more about the canister implementation
  • integrator: The Quark Account ID of the recipient of the payment. Warning! This principal must be able to invoke calls against Quark in order to withdraw funds. Please use only use a canister, a dfx principal identity, or a Quark user principal unless you are absolutely sure about what you are doing.
  • callback: A javascript method implemented by the integrator to be invoked by the MessageEvent handler upon receiving an Event with type .

Example events:

{ "type": "checkoutComplete", "data": { "result": "Accepted" } }
{ "type": "checkoutComplete", "data": { "result": "Rejected" } }

"Trust, but verify!" is your best course of action when handling the callback data.

Once you have instantiated the checkout Function we can begin creating a basket with a couple of transaction items.

Basket structure

  • basket The basket is a list of transaction items, defined by the merchant, that contains the data necessary for the checkout:
    • name - the name of the checked out product. e.g. “Spoon”
    • value - the value of the checkout out product. Specified as fractional units of an TEST token—called e8s—as a whole number, where one e8 is the smallest unit of a TEST token. For example, 1.05000000 is 1 TEST and 5000000 e8s.
    • token - the token used for the transaction of this basket item. Note: at this moment we only support TEST
    • description - optional description of the checked out product. e.g. “Used to eat soup”

Cross-tab communication

When calling initialize, the configuration passed as a parameter is first validated. When validated, we will attach an eventListener to the window scope. The eventListener will execute a handler upon receiving an incoming message. When this message comes from the Quark website it will execute code to ensure communication between quark-checkout and the Quark website.

There are two types of incoming messages on the quark-checkout-side:

  • checkoutLoaded: this message will be dispatched once the Quark checkout page was opened in another tab. Upon receiving this message we will send all the necessary data to the opened tab, such as basket, integrator, etc. using a window.postMessage MessageEvent with the type "basketUpdate".
  • checkoutComplete: this is sent to our listener when the user has confirmed the checkout on the Quark website. Upon receiving a message with this type, we will call the callback Function that the user passed inside the init() config and it's up to the integrator to take it from there.

Also, there is one type of outgoing message going from the quark-checkout-side to the Quark-side:

  • basketUpdate: When opened in the end-user's browser, the Checkout page on the Quark website will listen for this particular message to update the contents of the checkout and calculate the total sum of the transaction to display this to the user to confirm.

PLEASE NOTE: BigInts cannot be serialized client-side and thus we do not support them in the checkout. You will need to cast them to Numbers instead.

Token support

We currently only support TEST-tokens on our testnet. More tokens (such as ICP and cycles) will follow soon!

Our target token TEST requires its values be set in e8s. One e8 is the smallest partition of an TEST token (1/10^8 or 10^-8). For example, 123.15000001 TEST is 12_315_000_001 e8s. To convert whole value TEST to e8s simply multiply the TEST value by 1e8

const tokens = 123.3341 // make sure there are more than 8 digits of precision!!
const e8s = tokens * 1e8

Quick tip: As you are handling other people's capital and its common to run into floating point errors when performing basic arithmetic. To avoid this, we recommend using libraries such as:

We export the TOKENS object to make it easier to use these values.

Authentication providers

Currently we support the following authentication providers by passing the following values to the provider property when calling initialize:

Internet Identityii

We export the PROVIDERS object to make it easier to use these values.
