0.0.1-0.3 • Published 2 years ago

@desyn-labs/trade-routing v0.0.1-0.3

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Last release
2 years ago

Smart Order Router, Trade-Route, is an off-chain linear optimization of routing orders across pools for best price execution.

Trade-Route exists in the Bronze release as a way to aggregate liquidity across all desyn pools. Future releases of desyn will accomplish this on-chain and allow aggregate contract fillable liquidity.

Liquidity aggregators are free to use the Trade-Route npm package or create their own order routing across pools.

Overview Of Use And Example

There are two types of swap available:

swapExactIn - i.e. You want to swap exactly 1 ETH as input and Trade-Route will calculate X amount of usdt you receive in return.
swapExactOut - i.e. You want to receive exactly 1 usdt and Trade-Route will calculate X amount of ETH you must input.

Example Output:

// Following is output for 1USDC->WETH swapExactIn
] = await SOR.getSwaps(....

      `USDC>WETH, SwapExactIn, 1USDC, Total WETH Return: ${amountOut.toString()}`
  // USDC>WETH, SwapExactIn, 1USDC, Total WETH Return: 3090385829490120 - This is the total amount of WETH received for 1USDC
  console.log(`Swaps: `);

    This demonstrates a multihop swap going:
    USDC -> BTC++ via pool 0x75286...
    Then BTC++ -> WETH via pool 0xd4dbf...
    // Multihop swap
      // First sequence in swap
        pool: '0x75286e183d923a5f52f52be205e358c5c9101b09',
        tokenIn: '0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48',
        tokenOut: '0x0327112423f3a68efdf1fcf402f6c5cb9f7c33fd',
        swapAmount: '1000000',
        limitReturnAmount: '0',
        maxPrice: '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935'
      // Second sequence in swap
        pool: '0xd4dbf96db2fdf8ed40296d8d104b371adf7dee12',
        tokenIn: '0x0327112423f3a68efdf1fcf402f6c5cb9f7c33fd',
        tokenOut: '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
        swapAmount: '89403274570637',
        limitReturnAmount: '0',

The file: example-swapExactIn.ts, shows full examples with comments for various swaps.

To Run:

Create a .env file in root dir with your infura provider key: INFURA=your_key

Install dependencies: $ yarn install

Run example: $ ts-node ./test/testScripts/example-swapExactIn.ts