1.0.3 • Published 4 months ago

@devanshdeveloper/json-to-pdf v1.0.3

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4 months ago

JSON-to-PDF with Dynamic Content

This project demonstrates how to dynamically generate a PDF from a JSON object using the json-to-pdf package. The example generates a PDF with a simple restaurant menu using dynamic data, with on-screen rendering of the PDF and a download option.

Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Features
  • Example
  • Contributing
  • License


npm install json-to-pdf

Ensure you also have a valid CSS file (style.css) in your project for custom styling.


  1. Import the necessary modules
import { JSONToPDF } from "json-to-pdf";
import "./style.css";
  1. Define the JSON structure This sample generates a PDF of a dynamic restaurant menu:
const jsonToPdf = new JSONToPDF({
  backgroundColor: "#ebe2c3",
  backgroundImage: "menu-border.png",
  payload: {
    menus: [
        id: 1,
        name: "Dynamic Dish 1",
        description: "A dynamically delicious dish",
        availability: "In Stock",
        price: "$19.99",
        id: 2,
        name: "Dynamic Dish 2",
        description: "A dynamically exquisite creation",
        availability: "Out of Stock",
        price: "$24.99",
  page: {
    size: "A4",
    styles: { width: "500px" },
  pageContent: { styles: { padding: "10px" } },
  elements: [{ tag: "menuElement" }],
  fixedElements: [
      tag: "div",
      attributes: {
        styles: { fontSize: "12px" },
        html: "Restaurant Name",
      tag: "div",
      attributes: {
        styles: {
          position: "absolute",
          bottom: "20px",
          right: "20px",
          fontSize: "12px",
        html: "{{pagenumber}}",
  defineElements: [
      name: "menuElement",
      iterator: "{{payload.menus}}",
      elements: [
          tag: "div",
          attributes: {
            data: ["dish_id", "{{item.id}}"],
            styles: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: "12px" },
          children: [
              tag: "div",
              attributes: {
                html: "{{item.name}}",
                styles: { fontSize: "16px", textAlign: "center" },
              tag: "div",
              attributes: {
                html: "{{item.description}}",
                styles: { fontSize: "12px", textAlign: "center" },
              tag: "div",
              attributes: {
                styles: { display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" },
              children: [
                  tag: "div",
                  attributes: { styles: { fontSize: "12px" }, html: "{{item.availability}}" },
                  tag: "div",
                  attributes: { styles: { fontSize: "12px" }, html: "{{item.price}}" },
  1. Paint PDF on the screen and enable download

document.querySelector("#pdf-btn").addEventListener("click", () => {
    onProgress: (current) => {
      document.querySelector("#pdf-btn").innerHTML = `Progress: ${current}%`;
    onComplete: () => {
      document.querySelector("#pdf-btn").innerHTML = "Download Complete!";
    onError: (error) => {
      document.querySelector("#pdf-btn").innerHTML = `Error: ${error.message}`;
    filename: "menu.pdf",
    resolution: 2500,
  1. HTML structure Ensure you have the following HTML structure:
<div class="print-container"></div>
<button id="pdf-btn">Download PDF</button>
  1. Add your style.css file
.print-container {
  /* Define custom styles for the rendered PDF */


  • Dynamic PDF generation: The PDF content is generated dynamically from JSON data.
  • Custom styling: You can customize page layouts, content styles, and fixed elements like headers and footers.
  • Progress tracking: Shows progress updates while downloading the PDF.


This example generates a restaurant menu with two dynamic dishes, allows for on-screen preview, and provides a downloadable PDF with a progress indicator.


Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests for any improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.