2.0.3 • Published 8 months ago

@devoinc/applications-builder v2.0.3

Weekly downloads
Last release
8 months ago

🚨 Deprecated 🚨

This package has been deprecated in favor of DevoInc/App-Developer-Kit.

Therefore, this repository will serve as archive and will be no longer supported.

You can access the new project repository here: https://github.com/DevoInc/App-Developer-Kit

Devo Applications Builder

The applications in Devo are a set of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript functions that are saved independently from the web to allow for dynamism when creating and editing the applications.

Devo Application Builder are a set of widgets with extended functionality. When an activeboard doesn't meet the required needs, the idea is to use this library to solve the issue.

The documentation is structured in the following way:

  • You can read the official documentation at main documentation web
  • You can read the src/README.md file and go through the code to see how it works. All classes and methods are self-documented.
  • In the doc folder there are more examples and documentation. Note that these are the same as the ones in the main documentation page.

This library uses Devo Applications Data Library. This package is contained and installed from the deps folder.

Quick Start


To install and develop with Devo Applications Builder you need:

  • Node 14
  • npm 7


Go to the root directory and run:

npm install


If you need to link this library with your applications, create the link:

cd /src
npm link

Into yout folder project linked it

npm @devoinc/applications-builder

Do this only if you need to modify this library for your application.


To run the tests, go to the root directory and run:

npm run test


To generate the documentation which is available in https://devoinc.github.io/applications-builder in a local directory, run:

npm run jsdoc

This will generate a new directory in the root of the project called docs. You can view the documentation by opening the file docs/index.html

Note: This project uses double packages json files. Important: do not touch the src/package.json file; only add new dependencies in the package.json root file.