0.2.3 • Published 4 years ago

@dewen_li/core v0.2.3

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4 years ago

Edit Context and UI State


Bodiless uses the React Context API to provide an "edit context" (../packages/bodiless-core/src/PageEditContext/index.tsx) instance to all components on the page. This is an interface which allows a component to contribute contextual elements to the page edit UI (currently limited to toolbar menu items). For example, an image component might contribute a menu item which allows a user to upload an image.

The edit context also provides an interface to a global store which defines the UI state, including:

  • which edit context is "active" (ie, which component has the current focus), and what related menu options should be available.
  • whether edit mode is active (ie, whether components should expose their edit interfaces)
  • in future, anything else which might affect all components on the page (eg whether the current changes have been pushed, whether there are upstream changes to be pulled, etc).


The following diagram illustrates the flow of data for page edit contexts:


  1. The PageEditor(../packages/bodiless-core/src/components/PageEditor.tsx) (the top-level component of an editable page) defines a base edit context, contributing menu options which apply to the page as a whole (e.g. whether edit mode should be enabled). This is set as the default value of a React context type named "PageEditContext". Provider and Consumer components for this context are available as static properties of the PageEditContext class (PageEditContext.Provider and PageEditContext.Consumer).
  2. Any item on the page which wishes to define a more specific context can do so using the spawn() method of the PageEditContext instance. This will create a new instance with the current instance as its parent. This can then be set as the new context value using PageEditContext.Provider. For convenience, a ContextProvider(../packages/bodiless-core/src/PageContextProvider.tsx) component is provided which creates a new context and injects it into its children (provided as a render prop).
  3. A component which does not want to create a new context can either consume the current context (either via PageEditContext.Consumer or via the useEditContext() hook), or simply ignore it, if it doesn't care about the current context or UI state.
  4. The PageEditContext instance exposes an activate() method which can be used by a component to declare that its context is active (usually when the user focuses there). This sets the active context in the store. If the active context has parents, then these are also considered active, and the set of all active contexts is referred to as the context trail. For convenience a useContextActivator() hook is provided.
  5. This, in turn triggers any observer component to re-render (for example to highlight the fact that it is active).
  6. The "global context menu"(../packages/bodiless-core/src/components/PageEditor.tsx) is one such observer component, and re-renders itself with all menu options contributed by the newly activated context and all its parents. Thus, for example, when you activate the contet of an image within a grid, the menu options of the image (eg set source) are added to those of the grid (eg insert/delete items), which in turn are added to the page level items (eg toggle edit on/off).
  7. Similarly, the "local context menu"(../packages/bodiless-core/src/components/LocalContextMenu.tsx) is another observer which renders a subset of context menu options as a tooltip near the component providing current innermost active context.

Working with edit context

There are several ways in which a component can provide or consume the edit context.

Providing a new context

To provide a new context value, you may use the supplied ContextProvider

const getExampleMenuOptions = (context) => {
  // this should return an array of menu options...

const Example: React.FC = ({ children }) => (
  <ContextProvider getMenuOptions={getExampleMenuOptions} name="Example">

Here we provide a menu options callback as a prop to the ContextProvider component. This will be invoked when this context or any descendant is activated. It should return any menu options this component wishes to provide (see Context Menu Options below for more information).

Consuming the context with hooks

To access the current page edit context without modifying it, simply use the useEditContext() and/or useContextActivator() hooks (../packages/bodiless-core/src/hooks.ts).

import { observer } from 'mobx-react-lite';
const Example = observer(props => {
  const { isActive, isEdit } = useEditContext();
  const { onClick } = useContextActivator();
  return (
      <div>{isActive ? 'Active' : 'Not Active'}</div>
      {isEdit ?
        <button onClick={onClick} />
        : <span>Not editing!</span>

Note that useContextActivator() can be used to provide a handler for other events besides onClick, and can invoke another hanlder passed in as a prop:

const TextareaActivator = ({ onFocus: onFocus$1, ...rest }) => {
  const { onFocus } = useContextActivator('onFocus', onFocus$1);
  return <textarea onFocus={onFocus} {...rest} />

In the above example, the textarea will activate the context on focus, and will then invoke any 'onFocus' handler passed to it.

Consuming the context in a class component.

Or, in a class component, use the React contextType API:

import { observer } from 'mobx-react';
class Example extends React.Component {
  static contextType = PageEditContext.context;

  render() {
    return (
      <div>{this.context.isActive ? 'Active' : 'Not Active'}</div>
      {this.context.store.isEdit ?
        <button onClick={() => this.context.activate()}>Activate Me!</button>
        : <span>Not editing!</span>

Note that in both cases, we are using the isActive property of the context to render differently if the current context is active, and using the isEdit property to determine if we are in edit mode. Note also that in both cases we wrap our component in a mobx observer to ensure that our component udates properly if the active context or edit mode changes. For functional components using hooks, we must use the version from mobx-react-lite.

Using the ContextWrapper component

The ContextWrapper (../packages/bodiless-core/src/components/ContextWrapper.tsx) provides a convenient way to wrap any component in a div which will activate an enclosing context on click:

<ContextProvider getMenuOptions={myGetMenuOptions()} name="My Context" >
  <ContextWrapper clickable>
    <MyComponent />

Context Menu Options

The Global Context Menu aggregates menu options provided by all contexts within the active context trail. It is a wrapper around the generic ContextMenu (../packages/bodiless-core/src/components/ContextMenu.tsx) component, which provides a mechanism for displaying a set of menu options provided in an "options" prop. Each item is an object with the following members:

  • name: a human readable name for this option (currently unused)
  • icon: the name of a material design icon to display for this item
  • isActive; a callback to determine if the option or its flyout panel is currently "active"
  • isDisabled; a callback to determine if the option is currently "disabled" (for toggles)
  • handler: a callback to invoke when the item is selected

A simple context menu implementation with a single option might look like this:

const isUp = false;

const options = [
 name: 'Say Yes',
 icon: 'thumb_up',
 isActive: () => isUp,
 handler: () => {
   if (!isUp) {
   isUp = !isUp;

const MyContextMenu = props => (
 <ContextMenu options={options} />

Global and Local Context Menu

By default, Bodiless provides two ContextMenu instances to display menu options provided by edit contexts.

The GlobalContextMenu is a part of the PageEditor and is intended to provide a single, top-level menu for the page.

The LocalContextMenu component may be used to add a tooltip version of the context menu to any component, as

<ContextProvider getMenuOptions={myComponentMenuOptionGetter} name="My Component">

This will provide a tooltip for MyComponent which displays a local version of the context menu.

When defining a menu option, there are two flags you can use to control whether it should appear on the global context menu, the local context menu or both:

const myMenuOption = {
  global: true // Show on global context menu
  local: false // Hide on local context menu

Context menu forms

The handler function for a menu option can, optionally, return a component (usually a form) to be rendered when the menu item is selected. This allows menu options to trigger display of a configuration form to collect additional user input. For example, an image component might provide a menu option to configure its content. This might then display a form for uploading the image, entering alt-text, etc.

TODO: Example of creating a form


This library includes components which render visible, interactive pieces of the edit UI. These include:

  • ContextMenu
  • PageEditor
  • LocalContextMenu
  • ContextWrapper

These components allow injection of UI elements via a ui prop. This prop is a javascript object enumerating the UI elements which the component will use. For example, the UI specification for a ContextMenu is:

export type UI = {
  Icon?: ComponentType<HTMLProps<HTMLSpanElement>>;
  Toolbar?: ComponentType<HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>>;
  ToolbarButton?: ComponentType<ButtonVariantProps>;
  FormWrapper?: ComponentType<HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>>;
  ToolbarDivider?: ComponentType<HTMLProps<HTMLHRElement>>;

The ui prop fo ContextMenu accepts low-level UI elements which are composed to render the menu. In contrast, that for LocalContextMenu and PageEditor simply lists the menu component which should be used to render the currently selected options:

type UI = {
  LocalContextMenu?: ComponentType<ContextMenuProps>;

This allows us to create customized versions of the context menu, as is done in the canvas-x stylable ContextMenu (../packages/bodiless-core-ui/src/GlobalContextMenu.tsx) and LocalContextMenu (../packages/bodiless-core-ui/src/LocalContextMenu.tsx).

Activate Context System

The activate Context system allow for one component to store an id of another component that should activate its context on creation.

This is a three step process.

Step 1 Ensure there is a Activate Context in place

One can wrap there components in a <ActivateContextProvider> component or one can use the withActivateContext() HOC that will wrap a component in the Provider

Step 2 set the Id

Then one needs to set the id of the component to be activated by pulling setId from useActivateContext.

const { setId } from useActivateContext();

Step 3 Add useActivateOnEffect hook

Finally, the component needs to have the useActivateOnEffect hook so that it will activate if the id match the one stored


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