1.2.2 • Published 1 year ago

@dextcloud/jsonmatch v1.2.2

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1 year ago


Extended JsonPath filter expressions

Match your JSON with a breeze.

@.firstname in ["Robert", "Bob", "Bobby"] && (@.age >= 18 && @.age < 60) && !@.boring

Filter Operators

Filters are logical expressions used to filter arrays. A typical filter would be @.age > 18 where @ represents the current item being processed. More complex filters can be created with logical operators && and ||. String literals must be enclosed by single or double quotes (@.color == 'blue' or @.color == "blue").

==left is equal to right (note that 1 is not equal to '1')
!=left is not equal to right
<left is less than right
<=left is less or equal to right
>left is greater than right
>=left is greater than or equal to right
=~left matches regular expression @.name =~ /foo.*?/i
inleft exists in right @.size in ['S', 'M']
ninleft does not exists in right
subsetofleft is a subset of right @.sizes subsetof ['S', 'M', 'L']
allright is a subset of left @.countries all ['gb', 'de', 'fr']
anyofleft has an intersection with right @.sizes anyof ['M', 'L']
noneofleft has no intersection with right @.sizes noneof ['M', 'L']
sizesize of left (array or string) should match right
emptyleft (array or string) should be empty
containsleft (array or string) should include right

Match Examples

Given the json

  "store": {
    "countries": [
      { "code": "gb" },
      { "code": "fr" },
      { "code": "de" },
    "book": {
      "category": "reference",
      "author": "Nigel Rees",
      "title": "Sayings of the Century",
      "price": 8.95
    "bicycle": {
      "color": "red",
      "price": 19.95
    "cart": [],
    "sizes": ["S", "M", "L"]
  "additional-notice": false
@.store.countries[0].codeMatch if code exists at 0 index country
!@.store.countries[0].flagMatch if it has no flag
@.store.countries[1].code == "fr"Match if it equals "fr"
@["additional-notice"] == falseMatch if it equals false
@.store.book.category != "fiction"Match if it's not equal "fiction"
@.store.bicycle.price > 2Match if it's greater than 2
@.store.book.price <= 10.10Match if it's less or equal to 10.10
@.store.countries size 3Match if it there are 3 countries in the list
@.store.cart empty trueMatch if cart is empty
@.store.cart empty falseMatch if cart is not empty
@.store.sizes contains "M"Match if it includes "M"
@.store.book.author =~ /rees/iMatch by regex (ignore case)
@.store.book.category in ["fiction", "document", "reference"]Match if right includes category
@.store.book.category nin ["fiction", "poem"]Match if right doesn't include category
@.store.sizes subsetof ["S", "M", "L", "XL", "XXL"]Match if sizes is a subset of right
@.store.sizes all ["S", "L"]Match if it ["S", "L"] is a subset of sizes
@.store.sizes anyof ["L", "XXL"]Match if any of ["L", "XL", "XXL"] are present at sizes
@.store.sizes anyof ["XL", "XXL"]Match if none of ["L", "XL", "XXL"] are present at sizes


You can use && and || to combine multiple predicates (@.price < 10 || @.price > 20) && @.category == 'fiction' , (@.category == 'reference' && @.price > 10) || (@price == "free").

You can use ! to negate a predicate !(@.price < 10 && @.category == 'fiction').


1 year ago


1 year ago


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