0.7.1 • Published 4 years ago

@dimensionfourcloud/rbac v0.7.1

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4 years ago

NestCloud - Rbac


Provides rbac for dimensionfourcloud.


$ npm i --save @dimensionfourcloud/rbac


import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { NEST_BOOT, NEST_CONSUL } from '@dimensionfourcloud/common';
import { BootModule } from '@dimensionfourcloud/boot';
import { ConsulModule } from '@dimensionfourcloud/consul';
import { Backend, ConsulValidator, RbacModule } from '@dimensionfourcloud/rbac';
import { HeroController } from './hero.controller';

    imports: [
        BootModule.register(__dirname, `config.yaml`),
        ConsulModule.register({ dependencies: [NEST_BOOT] }),
            dependencies: [NEST_CONSUL, NEST_BOOT],
            backend: Backend.CONSUL,
            validator: ConsulValidator,
    controllers: [HeroController],
export class AppModule {

Boot Configuration

  host: localhost
  port: 8500
    name: service-rbac

Rbac Configuration

The Rbac configuration has three kinds: Account, Role, RoleBinding and use '---' split these.

Please set the rbac configuration into consul kv named service-rbac.

kind: Account
name: test


kind: Role
name: admin
  - resources: ["user"]
    verbs: ["get", "list"]

kind: RoleBinding
role: admin
  - test

Write A Guard

Put a user object into request instance. The RbacGuard need it for permission validation.

import { Injectable, CanActivate, ExecutionContext } from '@nestjs/common';
import { IRbacAccount } from '@dimensionfourcloud/rbac';

export class AccountGuard implements CanActivate {
    canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): boolean {
        const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
        request.user = { name: request.query.user } as IRbacAccount;
        return true;

Define Resource And Verb in Controller

Your custom AccountGuard must be set before RbacGuard.

import { Controller, Get, Param, UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AccountGuard } from './account.guard';
import { RbacGuard, Resource, Verb, Verbs } from '@dimensionfourcloud/rbac';

@UseGuards(AccountGuard, RbacGuard)
export class HeroController {
    async get(@Param('heroId') heroId: number): Promise<any> {
        return { user: 'Shadow hunter' };

    async list(): Promise<any> {
        return { users: ['Shadow hunter', 'BladeMaster'] };

Use Custom Validator

The rbac component use ConsulValidator as default validator, if you don't want to use consul as storage backend, you can write a custom validator.

import { IRbacValidator } from "./interfaces/rbac-validator.interface";
import { IRbacAccount } from "./interfaces/rbac-account.interface";
import { IRbacRole } from "./interfaces/rbac-role.interface";
import { IRbacRoleBinding } from "./interfaces/rbac-role-binding.interface";
import { Store } from "./store";
import { IRbacConfig } from "./interfaces/rbac-config.interface";

export class CustomValidator implements IRbacValidator {
    private readonly store: Store = new Store();

    * @param config
    * @param client 
    * If set config.backend to Backend.CONSUl, the client will be consul instance;
    * if set config.backend to Backend.LOADBALANCE, the client will be loadbalance instance;
    * if set config.backend to Backend.CUSTOM or not set, the client will be null.
    public async init(config: IRbacConfig, client?: any) {
        const roles: IRbacRole[] = [];
        const accounts: IRbacAccount[] = [];
        const roleBindings: IRbacRoleBinding[] = [];
        this.store.init(accounts, roles, roleBindings);
    public validate(resource: string, verb: string, account: IRbacAccount): boolean {
        return this.store.validate(account.name, resource, verb);

Stay in touch


NestCloud is MIT licensed.


4 years ago