0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

@dislbenn/plugin-search v0.0.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


Adds Search capabilities to KUI Web Terminal.


Clone the KUI repository and follow developer set-up directions from that repo.

Set SEARCH_API and accessToken in src/lib/shared/config.ts. To get an access token login to your env using: cloudctl login -a https://<cluster URL>:8443. Then run cloudctl tokens and copy the access token, everything after Bearer.

To activate this plugin, copy this repository into the plugins/ directory in the top-level of the KUI repository. It's a KUI requirement that individual plugin directories be named with the plugin- prefix (in this case: plugin-search).

Execute npm install

Execute npm run compile at the root-level of the KUI repo.

Execute npm run start at the root-level of the KUI repo. The desktop/electron instance of KUI should launch. (Update this later for steps for MCM KUI testing).

Try search commands. Ex: search kind:pod

Trigger a release

To trigger a new release you must push a commit of type fix or release

npm run commit