0.0.2 • Published 3 months ago

@dittoproject/sdk-core v0.0.2

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3 months ago

Ditto SDK core


This section describes the SDK's current transaction creation and network support capabilities


List of networks that the SDK already supports or will support after a few updates

Network nameIDSupported from
Polygon Mainnet137v0.0.1
Arbitrum One42161v0.0.2
BNB chain56— (planned)


List of actions currently supported by the SDK

ActionSupported from
Swap with uniswapv0.0.1
Swap with dex aggregator— (planned)


List of triggers currently supported by the SDK

TriggerSupported from
Price basedv0.0.2
AAVE— (not supported)

SDK basics

This section provides examples of how to use the SDK and various instructions

1. Install SDK core

npm add @dittoproject/sdk-core

2. Initialize SDK

You can install the package in any way you like, including using yarn, bun, pnpm, npm, etc.

import createDittoSDK from "@dittoproject/sdk-core"

const sdk = await createDittoSDK({
    signer: "Your signer here (optional, but recommended for front-ends)",
    provider: new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("Your RPC provider URL")

3. Authentication

Authentication is primarily needed so that users can interact with their smart wallets or create new ones. Without authorization, any actions with smart wallets will be rejected

3.1. Authenticate using existing signer

await sdk.authentication.authenticateWithSigner(/*
    place signer here if not provided in sdk init object 

This will trigger user's wallet and show prompt to sign message, retrieved from Ditto backend

3.2. Get authentication data for manual authentication

// Get nonce from Ditto backend
const nonce = await sdk.authentication.getAuthenticationNonce()

// Sign nonce with your account manually
const signature = ""

// Verify signature
const result = await sdk.authentication.verifySignature(signature) // => boolean

4. Create and configure automation

Automation is an object in which user-defined parameters are stored. There can be an unlimited number of these objects. Configured automations can be deployed with the help of SDK

import { Ditto } from "@dittoproject/sdk-core"

const automation = sdk.createAutomation({
    chainId: 137,
    trigger: Ditto.Triggers.Instant,
    actions: [

// Use .configureTrigger for trigger 
// confgiration, we skip it here
// because instant trigger does not 
// require configuration

// In this example we will swap 
// 0.1 USDT to USDC using uniswap
// with automatic route building
automation.configureAction(Actions.SwapWithUniswap, {
    fromToken: "0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F",
    toToken: "0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174",
    fromAmount: "100000"

5. Build or deploy automation

const result = await sdk.buildAutomation(automation, {
    // Where to take assets from, 
    // Signer = from user, Vault = from vault balance
    // If signer specified, then transfers will 
    // be added to pre call data
    transferFrom: Holder.Signer,
    chainId: 137,
    // Specify vault or let SDK choose
    vault: "automatic"

To deploy your automation instead of just getting data, replace buildAutomation method to deployAutomation with same arguments

Working with vaults

Actions with vaults can be done only after authentication

Retrieve vaults

// Get all account vaults list

// Get specific vault
// First argument is vault index in array
// Second is vault chain id, optional
sdk.vaults.getVault(0, 137)

Deploy new vault

// Deploy new vault
// First argument is chain id
// Second is vault version, currently latest 
// version on polygon is 3
await sdk.vaults.deployVault(137, 2)

// After vault deployed, update account data to 
// be able to get new vault
await sdk.updateCachedAccount()

Withdraw ERC-20 tokens and native currency

In this example we will transfer 0.1 USDT from vault1 to vault2

const vault1 = sdk.vaults.getVault(0, 137)
const vault2 = sdk.vaults.getVault(1, 137)

// To withdraw native currency, pass zero address 
// into token address argument
) // => TransactionRequest

This method returns you a transaction request that you can execute with your signer