0.2.10 • Published 5 years ago
@divisioinc/dyno-to-csv v0.2.10
A NodeJS Module that exports AWS DynamoDB query results to CSV, presently only stores to S3. Module will return an S3 signedURL pointing to the saved data.
- Save locally
- Configure AWS to be more flexible
- Alias Column Headers
- Reduce query complexity
npm install dyno-to-csv
const DynoToCsv = require('dyno-to-csv');
Configure with AWS Credentials
const exportToCsv = new DynoToCsv({
credentials: {
accessKeyId: 'ACCESS_KEY',
secretAccessKey: 'SECRET_KEY',
region: 'AWS_REGION',
storage: {
s3: {
bucket: 'AWS_S3_BUCKET',
// If bucket doesn't exist, it will be created with ACL: authenticated-read
const response = await exportToCsv.exportData({
TableName: 'DYNAMO_TABLE',
AttributesToGet: ['column_1', 'column_2'],
Just pass in a legitimate DynamoDB query and you're done.
At the moment, your query must contain the property: AttributesToGet: []
* Converts dynamodb query result to csv format, response with an s3 signedURL
* @param {DynamoDB query} query
* @return {String} S3 signed URL
await exportToCsv.exportData(query);
Run test
Put your credentials at the file test.js
and run the command bellow
node test
5 years ago