1.0.9 • Published 5 years ago

@dolittle/webassembly.client v1.0.9

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Last release
5 years ago

Dolittle WebAssembly Interaction Layer

If you're looking for a finished sample with everything set up, you can go here.


When releasing package from locally:

$ export APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER=<build number>


This repository has sub modules, clone it with:

$ git clone --recursive <repository url>

If you've already cloned it, you can get the submodules by doing the following:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive


To build the .NET part of this, you have use the Build submodule To build, run one of the following:


$ Build\build.cmd

Linux / macOS

$ Build\build.sh

For the JavaScript client parts, you need to first of all restore all packages. This project relies on yarn as a pre-requisite. You simply then run

$ yarn

At the root to restore packages.

To build all the different JavaScript packages locally for use in for instance the sample, you simply run:

$ yarn build


ProductionFrom CI

Build Status

AppVeyor Build Status

Visual Studio

You can open the .sln file in the root of the repository and just build directly.


From the Build submdoule there is also a .vscode folder that gets a symbolic link for the root. This means you can open the root of the repository directly in Visual Studio Code and start building. There are quite a few build tasks, so click F1 and type "Run Tasks" and select the "Tasks: Run Tasks" option and then select the build task you want to run. It is folder sensitive and will look for the nearest .csproj file based on the file you have open. If it doesn't find it, it will pick the .sln file instead.


If you're packaging the solution on Windows, you'll need to have 7-Zip installed.


To use this, you'll need to have a .NET Standard 2.0 class library project and reference the NuGet package called Dolittle.Interaction.WebAssembly.Build. This will build and output the necessary WebAssembly files to get you started. It also outputs an index.html file.


The default output points to ./publish, this can be changed by adding a variable to a <PropertyGroup> in your .csproj file for your project.


This will then output all artifacts needed to run your application.

Mono Wasm

This solution is built on top of the Mono Wasm solution. The package creation is the one responsible for packaging this project and including the necessary dependencies. To keep this repository as lightweight as possible the Mono Wasm dependency is downloaded and included at packaging time.

Updating the Mono Wasm reference to a greater version

To update the Mono Wasm build to a greater version - one needs to update the Core.csproj. The DownloadFile task points to a SourceUrl - this is the attribute that needs to be updated:

<DownloadFile DestinationFolder="."

You update it by finding the URL to for instance the last successful build artifacts from here.

Navigate to it and get the link: npm.io


https://hackernoon.com/introducing-uno-webassembly-projects-and-debugging-f360d4776df3 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/razor-components/debugging?view=aspnetcore-3.0 https://www.hanselman.com/blog/CompilingCToWASMWithMonoAndBlazorThenDebuggingNETSourceWithRemoteDebuggingInChromeDevTools.aspx

Mono Issue: https://github.com/mono/mono/issues/8378

More details

To learn more about the projects of Dolittle and how to contribute, please go here.

Getting Started

Go to our documentation site and learn more about the project and how to get started. Samples can also be found here. You can find entropy projects here.