2.0.0 • Published 5 months ago

@domoinc/ryuu-angular v2.0.0

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5 months ago

Ryuu Angular

BYOA (Bring Your Own App)

Does domo init not give you enough of what you’re used to for starting new projects? If you have a generator or starter kit you’re partial to, you can still use it. All you have to do is update your local development server to handle requests for data from Domo. Here is an example of how you can leverage the ryuu-proxy module to turn any existing Angular application into a Domo App.


You'll need the Angular CLI installed in order to run the ng add command.


Create a new project

$ ng new domo-app
$ cd domo-app

Add Ryuu Angular

$ ng add @domoinc/ryuu-angular

This will add the following:

  • Domo manifest.json and thumbnail.png to a new domo directory at the root of the project
  • extra-webpack.config.js at the root of the project that configures a local proxy.
  • domo:upload helper script to package.json to upload to Domo.

Local development

In order for the proxy to work in local development you need to have uploaded your app at least once.

$ npm run domo:upload

After this you should be able to run ng serve like normal and you'll be able to proxy domo requests in your local development.


To publish, simply do:

npm run build
npm publish


To test locally, install @angular-devkit/schematics-cli globally and use the schematics command line tool. That tool acts the same as the generate command of the Angular CLI, but also has a debug mode.

Check the documentation with

schematics --help

Create new project and link the schematic to the project.

ng new test-project
ng add @domoinc/ryuu-angular || npm link @domoinc/ryuu-angular

# To Run the schematic
ng generate @domoinc/ryuu-angular:ng-add


  • Add da_ng to the public repo in order to be able to apply manifest Overrides
  • Add the domo/manifestOverrides.json to the Project src folder
  • Make sure to add the required scripts to the package.json
  "prestart": "da_ng apply-manifest start",
  "postbuild": "da_ng apply-manifest build",
  "postbuild:prod": "da_ng apply-manifest build",