0.1.2 • Published 2 years ago

@dongivan/mathjax-vuewer v0.1.2

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Last release
2 years ago


A Vue component which could render MathML / LaTeX codes by MathJax.

Based on Vue 3.2 & MathJax 3.


formular uses this component to render expressions. You can see more details if you visit the link on a wide enough screen (width more than 540px).


npm install @dongivan/mathjax-vuewer --save


Firstly, register the component as a Vue plugin.

import MathJaxVuewer from "@dongivan/mathjax-vuewer"
import { createApp } from "vue";

const app = createApp(...);
app.use(MathJaxVuewer, {
  componentName: ...,
  script: ...,
  options: ...,

Then, use it in your template.

  <MathJaxVuewer :content="content" source-format="tex" target-format="html" />

Plugin Options

componentNamestring"MathJaxVuewer"The component name used in template
scriptstringundefinedThe url of MathJax script. If it is not set, you should load mathjax script by yourself (use \ for example).
optionsObjectundefinedThe options needed by MathJax when it initializes. If it is not set, you should write the config object(window.MathJax) to initialize the MathJax.

Component Props

contentstringrequiredThe source content of expression. If you want to use a MathMLElement tree as content, you should render the MathMLElement tree as string first(use ele.outerHTML for example).
source-format"mml" | "mathml" | "latex" | "tex""tex"The source format of expression. "mml" and "mathml" both mean using MathMLElement; "latex" and "tex" both mean using LaTex
target-format"html" | "chtml" | "svg""chtml"The target format of expression. "html" and "chtml" both mean that the result will be rendered as html, and "svg" means that the result will be SVG.
displaybooleanfalsedisplay will be used when MathJax renders the content while source-format is set to "tex"(or "latex"). The result would be a inline element if display == false, or a block element if display == true. When source-format is set to "mml"(or "mathml"), this prop will not be used (You should set an attribute named display and valued block of the root node of the MathMLElement tree if you want MathJax to render it as a block element).

Events emitted

math-jax-loadedThe component will detect whether the MathJax is loaded and emit this event after that. And the component WILL NOT render the content before this event emitted.


Load MathJax script while registering plguin vs Load MathJax manually

MathJax is designed for render the whole page, and it will read the global variable window.MathJax and modify it when initializing. MathJaxVuewer will inject a ready() function (see here) into the window.MathJax.startup in order to know whether MathJax is ready, and this must be done before MathJax read window.MathJax. That means, if you load MathJax manually (which means you leave script and options of the plugin option to undefined), things would be complicated: MathJax may read and modify window.MathJax before the ready() function is injected. In this situation, the component will test whether window.MathJax.config exists -- and emit "math-jax-loaded" if it does. However, even window.MathJax.config was set, the MathJax may not be ready at once, and the component may throw an error because it cannot find the render function like tex2svgPromise() before MathJax initialized.

Multiple components

You should load all MathJax components which used by MathJaxVuewer in the window.MathJax options (or plugin option). For example, you have two MathJaxVuewer components, one is used to render LaTeX to html, and the other renders MathMLElement to SVG, then you should have an options like this:

  loader: {
    load: ["input/tex-base", "input/mml", "output/chtml", "output/svg", "[tex]/html"],
  tex: {
    packages: {
      "[+]": ["base"],
  startup: {
    output: ["chtml", "svg"],

Becareful, the options.startup.output is important. Please set it correctly, or the component may throw an error that it cannot find the render function.


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago