0.1.0-pre.3 • Published 6 months ago

@double-spent/sbtc-react v0.1.0-pre.3

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Last release
6 months ago

What's inside?

This package allows to easily implement sBTC deposits and withdrawals into React apps. The provided functions and helpers provide an interface to the on-chain contracts deployed on mainnet, testnet, and devnet.



npm i @double-spent/sbtc-react

Set up providers

The SbtcProvider component provides context to the hooks included in this package. Add an instance of SbtcProvider at the top of the component tree — this would be App.tsx in create-react-app or the Root Layout in Next.js.

This package is not tied to a particular wallet, so the SbtcProvider requires the callbacks used to sign messages and PSBTs to be passed as props. The example below uses the Leather Wallet.

// App.tsx

export default function App() {
  // Load user data from a connected wallet

  const user = userSession.loadUserData();

  // Define a callback used to sign PSBTs with Leather

  const signPsbt = async (request) => {
    return await (window as any).btc.request('signPsbt', request).result.hex;

  // Define a callback used to sign messages with Leather

  const signMessage = async ({ message, stacksNetwork }) => {
    return await new Promise((resolve) => {
        network: stacksNetwork,
        onFinish: (data) => {

  return (
      <SbtcProvider user={user} network={SbtcNetwork.TESTNET} signMessage={signMessage} signPsbt={signPsbt}>
        {/* rest of app goes here .. */}

The SbtcProvider component takes the following props:

userUserData?The connected wallet's user, if any.
networkSbtcNetworkThe network to use.
signPsbtSbtcSignPsbtCallbackThe callback used to sign PSBTs.
signMessageSbtcSignMessageCallbackThe callback used to sign messages.

Submit an sBTC deposit

The useSubmitSbtcDeposit hook returns a callback used to submit sBTC deposits. It requires an instance of SbtcProvider present in the component tree to retrieve common configuration, like the connected Stacks user session. As the example above, triggering a deposit will open Leather to request signing the PSBT (partially-signed Bitcoin transaction) to send the BTC to the bridge and receive sBTC.

See the @double-spent/sbtc-core for more details.

// Deposit.tsx

export function Deposit() {
  const [satsAmount, setSatsAmount] = useState(0);
  const [transactionHash, setTransactionHash] = useState<string | undefined>();
  const { submitSbtcDeposit } = useSubmitSbtcDeposit();

  const handleChange = (event) => {

  const handleSubmit = async () => {
    const { btcTransactionHash } = await submitSbtcDeposit(satsAmount);

  if (transactionHash) {
    return (
        <h4>Deposit submitted!</h4>
          Transaction hash:
          <a href={`https://blockstream.info/testnet/tx/${transactionHash}`} target="_blank">

  return (
      <h4>Deposit sBTC</h4>
      <input name="amount" onChange={handleChange} />
      <button onClick={handleSubmit}>Deposit</button>

Sign and submit an sBTC withdrawal

The useSignSbtcWithdrawal and useSubmitSbtcWithdrawal hooks return callbacks to sign and submit sBTC withdrawals respectively. They require an instance of SbtcProvider present in the component tree to retrieve common configuration, like the connected Stacks user session. As the example above, calling either hook will open Leather to request signing the withdrawal and the PSBT (partially-signed Bitcoin transaction) to send the sBTC to the bridge and receive BTC.

See the @double-spent/sbtc-core for more details.

// Withdraw.tsx

export function Withdraw() {
  const [satsAmount, setSatsAmount] = useState(0);
  const [transactionHash, setTransactoinHash] = useState<string | undefined>();

  const { signSbtcWithdrawal } = useSignSbtcWithdrawal();
  const { submitSbtcDeposit } = useSubmitSbtcWithdrawal();

  const handleChange = (event) => {

  const handleSubmit = async () => {
    const signature = await signSbtcWithdrawal(satsAmount);
    const transactionHash = await submitSbtcWithdrawal(satsAmount, signature);


  if (transactinHash) {
    return (
        <h4>Withdrawal submitted!</h4>
          Transaction hash:
          <a href={`https://blockstream.info/testnet/tx/${transactionHash}`} target="_blank">

  return (
      <h4>Withdraw sBTC</h4>
      <input name="amount" onChange={handleChange} />
      <button onClick={handleSubmit}>Deposit</button>

Supported features

sBTC Devnet✅ Supported
sBTC Testnet✅ Supported
sBTC Mainnet🟡 Pending
Deposit sBTCOP_RETURN✅ Supported
Withdraw sBTCOP_RETURN✅ Supported
Deposit sBTCOP_DROP🟡 Pending
Withdraw sBTCOP_DROP🟡 Pending



6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago