0.0.4 • Published 4 years ago

@dragndrop/vue-dropzone v0.0.4

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Last release
4 years ago


Draggable component for VueJS 2+ which implements @dragndrop/dropzone component.

Design & API Documentation


npm install @dragndrop/vue-dropzone


Dropzone element can be used in common with Draggable element to create variety of drag and drop powered components for websites.

Typescript support

Component has its declarations (*.d.ts) for Typescript available.


import {VueDropzone} from '@dragndrop/vue-dropzone';

Vue.component('VueDropzone', VueDropzone);

Registration as plugin

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueDropzone from '@dragndrop/vue-dropzone';


Simple example

        <div>Dropzone for draggable element</div>
    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                acceptor: new DraggablesAcceptor(draggable),
        methods: {
            onDrop(event) {
                console.log(event.dragInfo.data); // 'example data'

CSS Classes (they can be changed)

CSS ClassDescription
dragging--overSets this class to element when draggable element is draggedOver the dropzone
dragging--invalidSets this class to element when draggable element is not accepted by dropzone


onDragEnterCustomEvent{originalEvent, dragInfo, dropzoneElement}Event dispatched when Draggable enters on Dropzone
onDragLeaveCustomEvent{originalEvent, dragInfo, dropzoneElement}Event dispatched when Draggable leaves on Dropzone
onDragOverCustomEvent{originalEvent, dragInfo, dropzoneElement}Event dispatched when Draggable is over on Dropzone
onDropCustomEvent{originalEvent, dragInfo, dropzoneElement}Event dispatched when Draggable is dropped on Dropzone


PropertyValue TypeDescription
acceptorAcceptorData which is attached to draggable
exactbooleanEvents from Draggable are stopped with stopPropagation() when exact is true.
overClassStringClass which is set on element when draggingOver (dragging--over default)
invalidClassStringClass which is set on element when draggingOver not accepted element (dragging--invalid default)
allowOnChildbooleanIt allows to drop, if draggable is a child of dropzone, without dragging outside.
Method SignatureDescription
destroy() => voidClean up method. Is called on beforeDestroy hook.


Acceptor allows to provide instructions to dropzone which elements should be accepted and which should not.

When Element is not accepted it can`t be dropped on Dropzone.

abstract accepts<D>(dragInfo: DragInfo<D>, dropzoneElement: Element, event: Event): boolean;

Acceptor is abstract class with accepts method which should be implemented.

dragInfoDragInfoInfo from Draggable which is snapped when dragging
dropzoneElementElementDropzone element on which element is dragged
eventCustomEventCustom Event dispatched _customDragEnter, _customDragLeave, _customDragOver and _customDrop

Default there is only DraggablesAcceptor implemented which is accepting given Draggables.

If you need you can write your own Acceptor for example QuerySelectorAcceptor to accept elements with given querySelectors.

Or DataTransferAcceptor which accepts elements with specific data attached to draggable.