0.5.0 • Published 2 years ago
@draverbot/http-framework-i18n v0.5.0
An internationalization layer powered by i18next
and @skyra/i18next-backend
for @skyra/http-framework
import { addFormatters, init, load } from '@skyra/http-framework-i18n';
// Load the locales from a directory adjacent to the module:
await load(new URL('/locales', import.meta.url));
// Add formatters, those will be added in `i18next.services.formatter`:
{ name: 'uppercase', format: (value) => value.toUpperCase() }, //
{ name: 'lowercase', format: (value) => value.toLowerCase() }
// Initialize backend, may take an object with the options:
// NOTE: The following properties are defined by the `load` method:
// - `InitOptions.backend.paths`
// - `InitOptions.ns`
// - `InitOptions.preload`
// Furthermore, the following defaults are applied for convenience:
// - `InitOptions.initImmediate`: `false`
// - `InitOptions.interpolation.escapeValue`: `false`
// - `InitOptions.interpolation.skipOnVariables`: `false`
// - `InitOptions.ignoreJSONStructure`: `false`
// Passing the aforementioned properties in the options will override the library's defaults.
await init();
import { T, FT } from '@skyra/http-framework-i18n';
export const InvalidInput = T('path/to/file:invalidInput');
export const AddResult = FT<{ left: number; right: number; result: number }>('path/to/file:addResult');
import { getSupportedLanguageName, getSupportedUserLanguageName, getT, resolveKey, resolveUserKey } from '@skyra/http-framework-i18n';
// Get the name of the supported guild language, falling back to the user's on DMs:
const guildLanguage = getSupportedLanguageName(interaction);
// Get the name of the supported user language:
const userLanguage = getSupportedUserLanguageName(interaction);
// Get the function to get a translated key:
const t = getT(guildLanguage);
// Resolving a given key, this calls `getT` and `getSupportedLanguageName` under the hood:
const content = resolveKey(interaction, InvalidInput);
// Resolving a given key, this calls `getT` and `getSupportedUserLanguageName` under the hood:
const content = resolveUserKey(interaction, AddResult, { left: 5, right: 10, result: 15 });
2 years ago