0.0.4 • Published 4 years ago

@dunebird/dune v0.0.4

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Last release
4 years ago


More detailed documentation coming soon.


Dune is a CLI tool to create REST APIs using Node.js. It generates project files and implements the following packages:


Install this package globally using the npm install command.

npm install @dunebird/dune -g


Getting started

Project creation

Create a project with the new command followed by the project name.

dune new notes

Create a project with built-in authentication by adding the --auth flag.

dune new notes --auth


Configure environment variables by editing the .env files inside the /config directory.

Since this tool uses knex, you may want to install one of the following according to your DB_CLIENT environment variable.

npm install pg
npm install sqlite3
npm install mysql
npm install mysql2

Start server

Start the serve with the serve command.

dune serve

Start a development server using nodemon by adding the --dev flag.

dune serve --dev


Make sure to create databases according to the values specified with the DB_NAME variable in the configuration files.


Create a new migration by passing the name of the model to the migration:create command. This will create a new knex migration file inside the /src/db/migrations directory.

dune migration:create note

Specify the up and down instructions using the functions provided by knex Schema Builder.

// /src/db/migrations/XXXXXXXXXXXXX_note.js
exports.up = (knex) => {
    return knex.schema.createTable('notes', (table) => {

exports.down = (knex) => {
    return knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('notes');

Run migrations with the migration:run command, specify environment by using the --env argument with the value dev or test.

dune migration:run --env=dev


Create a new model by passing its name to the model:create command. A new model file will be created in the /src/models directory.

dune model:create note

Return the name of the corresponding table in the tableName() method as specified in the objection models documentation. Specify relationships in the relationMappings() method (see objection relations documentation).

// /src/models/note.js
const {Model} = require('objection');

class Note extends Model{
    static get tableName(){
        return 'notes';

    static get relationMappings(){
        const User = require('./user');

        return {
            user: {
                relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
                modelClass: User,
                join: {
                    from: 'notes.user_id',
                    to: 'users.id'

module.exports = Note;


Create a new factory by passing the name of the model to the factory:create command. A new file will be created in the /src/db/factories directory.

dune factory:create note

Modify the file to define a factory according to the factory-girl documentation.

// /src/db/factories/noteFactory.js
const Note = require('../../models/note');

const noteFactory = (factory) => {
    factory.define('note', Note, {
        title: factory.chance('sentence'),
        content: factory.chance('paragraph')

module.exports = noteFactory;

Require the new factory inside the /src/db/factories/factory.js file.

// /src/db/factories/factory.js
const {factory} = require('factory-girl');
const ObjectionAdapter = require('factory-girl-objection-adapter');
require('./noteFactory')(factory); // new factory

factory.setAdapter(new ObjectionAdapter());

module.exports = factory;


Create a new seed by passing the name of the model to the seed:create command. A new file will be created inside the /src/db/seeds directory.

dune seed:create note

Enter the seed's code inside the exports.seed function, don't forget to pass the knex parameter to the model's knex() function.

// /src/db/seeds/XXXXXXXXXXXXX_noteSeed.js
const factory = require('../factories/factory');
const Note = require('../../models/note');
const User = require('../../models/user');

exports.seed = async (knex) => {

    const users = await User.query();
    for(let i = 0; i < users.length; i++){
        await users[i].$relatedQuery('notes').insert(await factory.buildMany('note', 10));

Run seeds with the seed:run command, specify environment with the --env argument with the value dev or test.

dune seed:run --env=dev



Create a new router by passing the name of the model to the router:create command. A new file with some default code will be created in the /src/routers directory.

dune router:create note

Require and register the router in the /src/app.js file as follows.

// /src/app.js
const express = require('express');
const userRouter = require('./routers/userRouter');
const noteRouter = require('./routers/noteRouter'); // import the router

const app = express();

app.use(noteRouter); // register the router

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.send('it works!')

module.exports = app;


Create a new controller by passing the name of the model to the controller:create command. A new file will be created in the /src/controllers directory.

dune controller:create note

You may now write some code inside one of the controller's functions and link it to a router.

// /src/controllers/noteController.js snippet
exports.index = async (req, res) => {
        const notes = await Note.query();

// /src/routers/noteRouter.js
const express = require('express');
const binder = require('./binder');
const Note = require('../models/note');
const noteController = require('../controllers/noteController'); // require controller

const router = new express.Router();

router.param('note', binder('note', Note));

router.get('/notes', noteController.index); // link route to controller's function

module.exports = router;

As a result, this would produce a collection of objects with the following structure.

    "id": 2,
    "user_id": 1,
    "title": "note 2",
    "content": "this is another note"


Serializers are useful to filter properties from models before sending their data to the client. Create a new serializer by passing the name of the model to the serializer:create command. This will create a new file in the /src/serializers directory.

dune serializer:create note

You may define different "filters" inside the serialize function.

// /src/serializers/noteSerializer.js snippet
exports.serialize = (note, option) => {
        case 'withoutIds':
            return {
                title: note.title,
                content: note.content
            return {
                id: note.id,
                title: note.title,
                content: note.content

Now, you may use the serializer in a controller to filter data before sending it to the client. Use the collection function to serialize an array of model instances.

// /src/controllers/noteController.js
const Note = require('../models/note');
const noteSerializer = require('../serializers/noteSerializer'); // require serializer

exports.index = async (req, res) => {
        const notes = await Note.query();

        res.send(noteSerializer.collection(notes, 'withoutIds')); // filter data

Use the serialize method to serialize a single model instance.

// /src/controllers/noteController.js snippet
exports.show = async (req, res) => {
        const note = await Note.query().findById(req.params.id);

        res.send(noteSerializer.serialize(note, 'withoutIds'));

The 'withoutIds' filter shown above as an example will now filter model instances to match the following structure.

    "title": "note 1",
    "content": "this is a note"


Create a new validator by passing its name to the validator:create command. A new file will be created in the /src/validators directory.

dune validator:create storeNote

Modify the rules variable inside the validator to implement rules over the received data. Use the indicative documentation to find the available validation rules and their usage.

// /src/validators/storeNote.js snippet
const rules = {
    title: 'required|string',
    content: 'required|string'

You can now use a validator as a middleware in your routers.

// /src/routers/noteRouter.js snippet
router.post('/notes', storeNote, noteController.store);


Create a new middleware by passing its name to the middleware:create command. A new file will be created in the /src/middleware directory.

dune middleware:create auth