1.0.0 • Published 8 months ago

@duongtdn/style-factory v1.0.0

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8 months ago

Style Factory


The Style Factory is a JavaScript class designed to help you apply inline styles to specific patterns within a text string. It provides a clean and efficient way to format text with different styles based on user-defined patterns.

Table of Contents


npm install @duongtdn/style-factory


Creating a Style Factory Instance

To start using the Style Factory, you need to create an instance of the StyleFactory class:

import StyleFactory from '@duongtdn/style-factory';

const styleFactory = new StyleFactory();

Defining Style Rules

The Style Factory allows you to define patterns and associate them with inline styles. You can use the useStyle(pattern, style) method to add style rules. The pattern parameter can be a string or a regular expression, and style is an object that defines the inline style for matching words or patterns.

styleFactory.useStyle('error', { color: 'red' })
            .useStyle(/\serror\s/, { backgroundColor: 'yellow' });

Defining Clean Rules

In some cases, you may want to remove specific patterns from the text. The useCleaner(pattern) method allows you to add clean rules. Just like with style rules, pattern can be a string or a regular expression.

styleFactory.useCleaner(/\d+/); // Remove all digits from the text

Creating Styled Text

Once you've defined your style and clean rules, you can use the create(text) method to apply those rules to a text string. This method returns an array of objects, where each object represents a piece of text with its associated style.

const styledText = styleFactory.create('This is an error message: error 404.');

API Reference

useStyle(pattern, style)

  • pattern: Can be a string or a regular expression. It defines the pattern to match in the text.
  • style: An object that defines the inline style for the matched pattern.
  • Returns: this (allows method chaining)


  • pattern: Can be a string or a regular expression. It defines the pattern to remove from the text.
  • Returns: this (allows method chaining)


  • text: The input text string to be formatted.
  • Returns: An array of objects containing text and their associated styles.


Here's a simple example of using the Style Factory:

import StyleFactory from '@duongtdn/style-factory';

const styleFactory = new StyleFactory();

styleFactory.useStyle('error', { color: 'red' })
            .useStyle(/\serror\s/, { backgroundColor: 'yellow' })

const text = 'This is an error message: error 404.';
const styledText = styleFactory.create(text);

The above example will format the text and produce an array with styled text segments.


Contributions to the Style Factory are welcome! If you have ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.