2.26.0 • Published 4 months ago

@dwtechs/checkard v2.26.0

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Last release
4 months ago

License: MIT npm version last version release date Jest:coverage minified size


Checkard.js is an open source dynamic type checking library for Javascript, Typescript and Node.js to test if a given variable is what it is supposed to be ( Function, object, ascii, boolean, integer, string, json, email...)

  • No dependency
  • Very lightweight
  • Thoroughly tested
  • Works in browsers and Node.js
  • Works in Javascript and Typescript
  • Old browsers support


  • android: 2.2,
  • chrome: 34,
  • edge: 12,
  • firefox: 11,
  • ie: 9,
  • ios: 4.2,
  • opera: 28,
  • safari: 5.1,
  • samsung: 4

Those are the oldest targeted versions. The library should work properly on older devices but we do not support it officially.


$ npm i @dwtechs/checkard


ES6 / TypeScript

import { isFunction, isArray } from "@dwtechs/checkard";

if (isFunction(variable)) {
  //variable is a function

if (!isArray(variable, '=', 2)) {
  //variable is not an array of length 2


const ch = require("@dwtechs/checkard/dist/ch");

if (ch.isFunction(variable)) {
  //variable is a function

if (!ch.isArray(variable, '=', 2)) {
  //variable is not an array of length 2


<script src="node_modules/@dwtechs/checkard/dist/ch.iife.min.js"></script>
if (ch.isFunction(variable)) {
  //variable is a function

if (!ch.isArray(variable, '=', 2)) {
  //variable is not an array of length 2

API Reference


Comparator = '='|'<'|'>'|'<='|'>=';


isBoolean(bool: any): boolean {}

isString(string: any, emptyCheck?: boolean = false): boolean {}

// If typeCheck = false values like '4', '0', '8e4', '+true', '0x44' return true
isNumber(number: any, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolean {}

isSymbol(sym: any): boolean {}


isFunction(func: any): boolean {}

isObject(obj: any, emptyCheck?: boolean = false): boolean {}

//Check whether val is null or undefined
isNil(val: any): boolean {}


isInteger(number: any, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolean {}

isFloat(number: any, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolean {}

isEven(number: any, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolean {}

isOdd(number: any, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolean {}

isOrigin(number: any, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolean {}

isPositive(number: any, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolean {}

isNegative(number: any, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolean {}

isPowerOfTwo(number: any, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolean {}

isAscii(code: any, extended?: boolean = false): boolean {}

Valid number

isValidNumber(number: any, 
              min?: number = -999999999, 
              max?: number = 999999999, 
              typeCheck?: boolean = true ): boolean {}

isValidInteger(number: any, 
               min?: number = -999999999, 
               max?: number = 999999999, 
               typeCheck?: boolean = true ): boolean {}

isValidFloat( number: any, 
              min?: number = -999999999.9, 
              max?: number = 999999999.9, 
              typeCheck?: boolean = true ): boolean {}


isStringOfLength( string: any, 
                  min?: number = 0, 
                  max?: number = 999999999 ): boolean {}

isJson(string: any): boolean {}

isRegex(regex: any, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolean {}

isEmail(email: any): boolean {}

isIpAddress(ipAddress: any): boolean {}

isJWT(t: any): boolean {}

isSlug(slug: any): boolean {}

isHexadecimal(string: any): boolean {}

containsUpperCase(string: any): boolean {}

containsLowerCase(string: any): boolean {}

containsSpecialCharacter(string: any): boolean {}

containsNumber(string: any, min?: number|null, max?: number|null): boolean {}


isDate(date: any): boolean {}

isValidDate(date: any, min?: Date = new Date('1/1/1900'), max?: Date = new Date('1/1/2200')): boolean {}

isTimestamp(number: any, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolean {}

// default min = 1/1/1900 (month/day/year)
// default max = 1/1/2200 (month/day/year)
isValidTimestamp(number: any, min?: number = -2208989361000, max?: number = 7258114800000, typeCheck?: boolean = true): boolea {}


// Check if 'array' is an array and optionally if it is of length =, <, >, <= or >= than 'length'
isArray(array: any, comparator?: Comparator|null, length?: number|null): boolean {}

example :

let ar = ['dog','cat','bird'];

if (isArray(array)) {
  // check if ar is an array

if (isArray(array, '=', 2)) {
  // check if ar is an array of length 2

if (isArray(array, '>=', 1)) {
  // check if ar is an array of length greater than or equal to 1


isHtmlElement(htmlElement: any): boolean {}

isHtmlEventAttribute(htmlEventAttribute: any): boolean {}

isNode(node: any): boolean {}


ucfirst(string: string, everyWords?: boolean = true): string | false {}

normalizeNickname(nickname: string, firstName: string, lastName: string): string | false {}

normalizeName(string: string): string | false {}

normalizeEmail(string: string): string | false {}

example :

function normalizeInputs(req, res, next) {
  const users = req.body.rows;
  log.debug(`Normalize values for ${users.length} users`);

  for (const u of users) {
    const { firstName, lastName, nickname, email } = u;
    u.firstname = str.normalizeName(firstName);
    u.lastname = str.normalizeName(lastName);
    u.nickname = str.normalizeNickname(nickname, firstName, lastName);
    u.email = str.normalizeName(email);


Checkard.js is still in development and we would be glad to get all the help you can provide. To contribute please read contributor.md for detailed installation guide.


repositoryGithubhosting for software development version control using Git
package managernpmdefault node.js package manager
languageTypeScriptstatic type checking along with the latest ECMAScript features
module bundlerRollup.jsadvanced module bundler for ES6 modules
unit testingJestdelightful testing with a focus on simplicity

4 months ago


4 months ago