1.2.0 • Published 1 year ago

@dxv/cli v1.2.0

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Last release
1 year ago


A simple wrapper around eslint, dprint, and typescript's tsc command.

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🚧 Work in progress

There may still be inconsistencies between eslint and dprint rules that will be sorted out with time.

In addition, this cli tool does not yet recognize project-specific eslint and dprint config files, though that will be added eventually.

This project may not solve your needs directly, but I think this kind of wrapper is a useful way to have consistency between a team's or individual's projects in a way that allows team-specific and project-specific configuration. The config chosen in this repo might not work for you, so I'm open to exposing all the configuration options available. Pull requests welcome! Or fork it, rename it, and make it your own!


npm i -D @dxv/cli


	dxv {command}

	lint     lint files
	format   format files
	type	 type check files
	deps	 check versions & missing/unused dependencies
	check    run type, lint, & deps in that order
	help     show this help message

dxv deps {command}
	deps check         check versions & missing/unused dependencies
	deps update        update dependencies

	--cwd, -c          set working directory
	--exclude, -e      exclude files from linting with lint command

	dxv help

Type checking

The type checking functionality is somewhat limited. For now it reads a tsconfig.json file in the current working directory. This can be overwritten with a --cwd desired/path flag.

Create a tsconfig.json file before running the dxv type or dxv check commands, for example using tsc --init.

My usage of this tool is focused on writing types in jsdoc/tsdoc comments rather than using typescript itself. Because the tsconfig.json file is fully configurable per-project this shouldn't be a big deal, but there may be decisions at some point that make using type comments easier and using typescript harder. 🤷‍♂️
