0.33.0 • Published 4 years ago

@dzhanavapp/minter-js-sdk v0.33.0

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Last release
4 years ago


NPM Package Build Status Coverage Status License: MIT

This package aims to provide with an easy-to-use JS helping developers to communicate with the Minter blockchain through its API.

This package should be an aid to any developer working on JS applications with the Minter blockchain.

Please note that this SDK is under active development and is subject to change.

It is complemented by the following packages:



npm install minter-js-sdk
import {Minter, prepareLink} from "minter-js-sdk";

const minter = new Minter({/* ...options, see Usage */});
const link = prepareLink(/* ... */)

or from browser

<script src="https://unpkg.com/minter-js-sdk"></script>
const minter = new minterSDK.Minter({/* ...options, see Usage */});
const link = minterSDK.prepareLink(/* ... */)


Post transaction full example

import {Minter, TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";

const minter = new Minter({apiType: 'node', baseURL: 'https://minter-node-1.testnet.minter.network/'});
const txParams = {
    nonce: 1,
    chainId: 1,
    type: TX_TYPE.SEND,
    data: {
        to: 'Mx7633980c000139dd3bd24a3f54e06474fa941e16',
        value: 10,
        coin: 'MNT',    
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    gasPrice: 1,
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '5fa3a8b186f6cc2d748ee2d8c0eb7a905a7b73de0f2c34c5e7857c3b46f187da'})
    .then((txHash) => {
        alert(`Tx created: ${txHash}`);
    }).catch((error) => {
        const errorMessage = error.response.data.error.message

SDK instance

Create minter SDK instance from Minter constructor. It contains methods to communicate with API. Minter accept axios config as params and return axios instance

One extra field of options object is apiType, which is one of 'gate' or 'node'. It is used to determine what type of API to use.

// specify gate url
const minterGate = new Minter({chainId: 2, apiType: 'gate', baseURL: 'https://gate-api.testnet.minter.network/api/v1/'});
// specify node url
const minterNode = new Minter({chainId: 2, apiType: 'node', baseURL: 'https://minter-node-1.testnet.minter.network/'});

Minter constructor has the following options:

  • apiType: 'gate' or 'node'
  • baseURL: API URL
  • chainId: default chain ID, used if no chainId specified in the tx params, 1 - mainnet, 2 - testnet

minter SDK instance has the following methods:


Post new transaction to the blockchain Accept tx params(#Tx params constructors) object and make asynchronous request to the blockchain API. txParams.nonce - optional, if no nonce given, it will be requested by getNonce automatically. txParams.gasPrice - 1 by default, fee multiplier, should be equal or greater than current mempool's min gas price. gasRetryLimit - count of repeating request, 2 by default. If first request fails because of low gas, it will be repeated with updated gasPrice mempoolRetryLimit - count of repeating request, 0 by default. If first request fails because of error "Tx from address already exists in mempool", it will be repeated after 5 seconds (average time of the block) to try put it in the new block Returns promise that resolves with sent transaction hash.

Please note: always check that sent transaction has no errors (tx in block should have code: 0). Otherwise errored tx will not be applied

 * @typedef {Object} TxParams
 * @property {number} [nonce] - can be omitted, will be received by `getNonce`
 * @property {number} [chainId=1] - 1 = mainnet, 2 = testnet
 * @property {number} [gasPrice=1] - can be updated automatically on retry, if gasRetryLimit > 1
 * @property {string} [gasCoin='BIP']
 * @property {string|TX_TYPE|Buffer} type
 * @property {Object|Buffer|TxData} data
 * @property {string} [payload]
 * @property {number} [signatureType=1]
 * @property {number} [signatureData] - can be signed automatically if `privateKey` passed

* @param {TxParams} txParams
* @param {number} [gasRetryLimit=2] - number of retries, if request was failed because of low gas
* @param {number} [mempoolRetryLimit=0] - number of retries, if request was failed with error "Tx from address already exists in mempool"
* @param {string|Buffer} [privateKey]
* @return {Promise<NodeTransaction|{hash: string}>}
minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...', gasRetryLimit: 2, mempoolRetryLimit: 0})
    .then((tx) => {
        // 'Mt...'
        // Check here that tx in block has no errors (code === 0)
    .catch((error) => {
        // ...


Post new transaction to the blockchain Accept signed tx string or Buffer and make asynchronous request to the blockchain API. Returns promise that resolves with sent transaction data (from gate) or transaction hash (from node).

* @param {string|Buffer} signedTx
* @return {Promise<NodeTransaction|{hash: string}>}
    .then((tx) => {
        // 'Mt...'
    .catch((error) => {
        // ...


Get nonce for the new transaction from given address. Accept address string and make asynchronous request to the blockchain API. Returns promise that resolves with nonce for new tx (current address tx count + 1).

    .then((nonce) => {
        // 123
    .catch((error) => {
        // ...


Ensure nonce for the tx params.

 * @param {MinterApiInstance} apiInstance
 * @param {TxParams} txParams
 * @param {ByteArray} [privateKey]
 * @param {string} [address]
 * @return {Promise<number>}
minter.ensureNonce(txParams, {privateKey: '...'})
    .then((nonce) => {
        // 123
    .catch((error) => {
        // ...


Get current minimal gas price.

    .then((gasPrice) => {
        // 1
    .catch((error) => {
        // ...


Estimate how much coins you will get for selling some other coins.

    coinToSell: 'MNT',
    valueToSell: '10',
    coinToBuy: 'MYCOIN',
    .then((result) => {
        console.log(result.will_get, result.commission);
        // 123, 0.1
    .catch((error) => {
        // ...


Estimate how much coins you will pay for buying some other coins.

    coinToBuy: 'MYCOIN',
    valueToBuy: '10',
    coinToSell: 'MNT',
    .then((result) => {
        console.log(result.will_pay, result.commission);
        // 123, 0.1
    .catch((error) => {
        // ...


Estimate transaction fee. Useful for transactions with gasCoin different from base coin BIP (or MNT). Accept string with raw signed tx. Resolves with commission value.

        transaction: 'f8920101028a4d4e540000000000000001aae98a4d4e...'
    .then((commission) => {
        // 0.1
    .catch((error) => {
        // ...

Tx params

Tx params object to pass it to postTx or prepareSignedTx methods to post transaction to the blockchain


import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    type: TX_TYPE.SEND,
    data: {
        to: 'Mx376615B9A3187747dC7c32e51723515Ee62e37Dc',
        value: 10,
        coin: 'MNT',
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});


import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    data: {
        list: [
                value: 10,
                coin: 'MNT',
                to: 'Mx7633980c000139dd3bd24a3f54e06474fa941e16',
                value: 2,
                coin: 'MNT',
                to: 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee99',
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});


const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    type: TX_TYPE.SELL,
    data: {
        coinToSell: 'MNT',
        coinToBuy: 'BELTCOIN',
        valueToSell: 10,
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});

Sell All

import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    type: TX_TYPE.SELL_ALL,
    data: {
        coinToSell: 'MNT',
        coinToBuy: 'BELTCOIN',
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});


import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = new {
    chainId: 1,
    type: TX_TYPE.BUY,
    data: {
        coinToSell: 'MNT',
        coinToBuy: 'BELTCOIN',
        valueToBuy: 10,
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});

Create Coin

import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    data: {
        name: 'My Coin',
        symbol: 'MYCOIN',
        initialAmount: 5,
        constantReserveRatio: 10,
        initialReserve: 20,
        maxSupply: 10000, // optional, by default 10**15
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});

Declare Candidacy

import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    data: {
        address: 'Mx7633980c000139dd3bd24a3f54e06474fa941e16',
        publicKey: 'Mpf9e036839a29f7fba2d5394bd489eda927ccb95acc99e506e688e4888082b3a3',
        commission: 10,
        coin: 'MNT',
        stake: 100,
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});

Edit Candidate

import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    data: {
        publicKey: 'Mpf9e036839a29f7fba2d5394bd489eda927ccb95acc99e506e688e4888082b3a3',
        rewardAddress: 'Mx7633980c000139dd3bd24a3f54e06474fa941e16',
        ownerAddress: 'Mx7633980c000139dd3bd24a3f54e06474fa941e16',
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});


import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    data: {
        publicKey: 'Mpf9e036839a29f7fba2d5394bd489eda927ccb95acc99e506e688e4888082b3a3',
        coin: 'MNT',
        stake: 100,
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});


import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    type: TX_TYPE.UNBOND,
    data: {
        publicKey: 'Mpf9e036839a29f7fba2d5394bd489eda927ccb95acc99e506e688e4888082b3a3',
        coin: 'MNT',
        stake: 100,
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});

Set Candidate On

import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    data: {
        publicKey: 'Mpf9e036839a29f7fba2d5394bd489eda927ccb95acc99e506e688e4888082b3a3',
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});

Set Candidate Off

import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    data: {
        publicKey: 'Mpf9e036839a29f7fba2d5394bd489eda927ccb95acc99e506e688e4888082b3a3',
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});

Redeem Check

import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    data: {
        check: 'Mcf8ab3101830f423f8a4d4e5400000000000000888ac7230489e800008a4d4e5400000000000000b841f69950a210196529f47df938f7af84958cdb336daf304616c37ef8bebca324910910f046e2ff999a7f2ab564bd690c1102ab65a20e0f27b57a93854339b60837011ba00a07cbf311148a6b62c1d1b34a5e0c2b6931a0547ede8b9dfb37aedff4480622a023ac93f7173ca41499624f06dfdd58c4e65d1279ea526777c194ddb623d57027',
    gasCoin: 'MNT',

// password and privateKey will be used to generate check's proof
minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...', password: 'pass'});
// also combination of password and address can be used to generate proof
minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...', address: '...', password: 'pass'});

Create Multisig

Multisig docs

Addresses count must not be greater than 32.
Weights count must be equal to addresses count.
Weights must be between 0-1023.

import {TX_TYPE} from "minter-js-sdk";
const txParams = {
    chainId: 1,
    data: {
        addresses: ['Mx7633980c000139dd3bd24a3f54e06474fa941e00', 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee99'],
        weights: [40, 80],
        threshold: 100,
    gasCoin: 'MNT',

minter.postTx(txParams, {privateKey: '...'});


Prepare Transaction

Prepare Tx object from txParams, used under the hood of PostTx, accepts arguments:

  • txParams object,
  • options.privateKey - optional, can be passed to txData constructor for redeem check transaction and can be used to sign transaction with single signature.
import {prepareTx} from 'minter-js-sdk';
const tx = prepareTx(txParams, {privateKey});
console.log('signed tx', tx.serialize().toString('hex'));

// get actual nonce first
    .then((nonce) => {
        const tx = prepareTx({...txParams, nonce}, {privateKey});
        console.log('signed tx', tx.serialize().toString('hex'));

Prepare Single Signed Transaction

prepareSignedTx is an alias for prepareTx but with signatureType: 1. So it doesn't support multisignatures.

import {prepareSignedTx, prepareTx} from 'minter-js-sdk';

let tx = prepareSignedTx(txParams, {privateKey});
// is the same as
tx = prepareTx({...txParams, signatureType: 1}, {privateKey})

Make Signature

Make signature buffer for Tx with privateKey. Useful to create signatures for transactions with multiple signatures.

import {makeSignature} from 'minter-js-sdk';

makeSignature(tx, privateKey);

Multi Signatures

Usually you should collect signatures from other multisig participants, which can make it with makeSignature. Then you should construct signatureData for TxParams object and pass such TxParams to postTx or prepareTx

import {Minter, TX_TYPE, prepareTx, makeSignature} from "minter-js-sdk";

const minter = new Minter({/* ... */});
const txParams = {
    nonce: 1,
    chainId: 1,
    type: TX_TYPE.SEND,
    data: {
        to: 'Mx7633980c000139dd3bd24a3f54e06474fa941e16',
        value: 10,
        coin: 'MNT',    
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    gasPrice: 1,
    payload: 'custom message',
    signatureType: 2, // multiple signature type
const tx = prepareTx(txParams);

const signature1 = makeSignature(tx, privateKey1);
const signature2 = makeSignature(tx, privateKey2);

    signatureData: {
        multisig: multisigAddress,
        signatures: [signature1, signature2],

Decode Transaction

Decode RLP serialized tx into params object

Params: tx - string, RLP decoded tx options - object with extra options options.decodeCheck - boolean, adds checkData field next to check field for redeemCheck tx data

import {decodeTx} from 'minter-js-sdk';
//  {
//      nonce: '129',
//      chainId: '2',
//      gasPrice: '1',
//      gasCoin: 'BANANATEST',
//      type: '0x02',
//      data: { 
//          coinToSell: 'BANANATEST',
//          valueToSell: '30646.456735029139767858',
//          coinToBuy: 'MNT',
//          minimumValueToBuy: '0',
//      },
//      payload: '',
//      signatureType: '1',
//      signatureData: '0xf8431ca01d568386460de1dd40a7c73084a84be68bbf4696aea0208530d3bae2ccf47e4ba059cb6cbfb12e56d7f5f4f8c367a76a867aff09afca15e8d61a7ef4cf7e0d26be',
//  }

Minter Check

Minter Check is like an ordinary bank check. Each user of network can issue check with any amount of coins and pass it to another person. Receiver will be able to cash a check from arbitrary account.


Checks are issued offline and do not exist in blockchain before “cashing”.


  • privateKey - private key of the issuer to sign check. Type: string
  • password - password to protect check. Type: string
  • nonce - unique string to allow issue identical checks. Type: string
  • chainId - network type to prevent using same check between networks. Type: number. Default: 1
  • coin - coin to transfer. Type: string
  • value - amount to transfer. Type: number
  • gasCoin - coin to pay fee, fee will be charged from issuer when RedeemCheck tx will be sent by check's recipient. Type: string. Default: network's base coin ('BIP' or 'MNT')
  • dueBlock - number of block, at this block check will be expired. Type: number. Default: 999999999
// Since issuing checks is offline, you can use it standalone without instantiating SDK
import {issueCheck} from "minter-js-sdk";
const check = issueCheck({
    privateKey: '0x2919c43d5c712cae66f869a524d9523999998d51157dc40ac4d8d80a7602ce02',
    password: 'pass',
    nonce: '1',
    chainId: 1,
    coin: 'MNT',
    value: 10,
    gasCoin: 'MNT',
    dueBlock: 999999,
// => 'Mcf8ab3101830f423f8a4d4e5400000000000000888ac7230489e800008a4d4e5400000000000000b841f69950a210196529f47df938f7af84958cdb336daf304616c37ef8bebca324910910f046e2ff999a7f2ab564bd690c1102ab65a20e0f27b57a93854339b60837011ba00a07cbf311148a6b62c1d1b34a5e0c2b6931a0547ede8b9dfb37aedff4480622a023ac93f7173ca41499624f06dfdd58c4e65d1279ea526777c194ddb623d57027'

// This method also available on the SDK instance
const check = minter.issueCheck({...});


Decode raw check

import {decodeCheck} from "minter-js-sdk";
const check = decodeCheck('Mcf8ab3101830f423f8a4d4e5400000000000000888ac7230489e800008a4d4e5400000000000000b841f69950a210196529f47df938f7af84958cdb336daf304616c37ef8bebca324910910f046e2ff999a7f2ab564bd690c1102ab65a20e0f27b57a93854339b60837011ba00a07cbf311148a6b62c1d1b34a5e0c2b6931a0547ede8b9dfb37aedff4480622a023ac93f7173ca41499624f06dfdd58c4e65d1279ea526777c194ddb623d57027');
// =>
// {
//   nonce: '1',
//   chainId: 1,
//   coin: 'MNT',
//   value: '10',
//   gasCoin: 'MNT',
//   dueBlock: 999999,
// } 

// This method also available on the SDK instance
const check = minter.decodeCheck('...');

Minter Link

Minter Link Protocol describes how to represent transaction data into a simple link, which can be easily consumed by user as a link or as QR. Then link is being processed by bip.to web app or any associated mobile app. App retrieves data from the link, generate valid transaction using logged user's private key and send it.

So everything a user needs to do to send a transaction is to click on the link or scan QR code.


Create link from transaction params


  • txParams - object with params of transaction
  • txParams.type
  • txParams.data
  • txParams.payload - optional
  • txParams.nonce - optional
  • txParams.gasPrice - optional
  • txParams.gasCoin - optional
  • linkHost - optional, custom hostname of the link, leave undefined to use default 'https://bip.to'
import {prepareLink, TX_TYPE} from 'minter-js-sdk';

const txParams = {
    type: TX_TYPE.SEND,
    data: {
        to: 'Mx7633980c000139dd3bd24a3f54e06474fa941e16',
        value: 10,
        coin: 'MNT',
    gasCoin: 'ASD',
    payload: 'custom message',
// => 'https://bip.to/tx/-EgBqumKTU5UAAAAAAAAAJR2M5gMAAE53TvSSj9U4GR0-pQeFoiKxyMEiegAAI5jdXN0b20gbWVzc2FnZYCAikFTRAAAAAAAAAA'


Decode link into transaction params

Params: url - string with link options - object with extra options options.decodeCheck - boolean, adds checkData field next to check field for redeemCheck tx data options.privateKey - links with password and without proof require privateKey to generate valid proof

import {decodeLink} from 'minter-js-sdk';

// =>
// {
// gasCoin: 'ASD',
// type: '0x01',
// data: {
//    to: 'Mx7633980c000139dd3bd24a3f54e06474fa941e16',
//    coin: 'MNT',
//    value: '10',
// },
// payload: 'custom message',
// }

const LINK_CHECK = 'https://bip.to/tx?d=f8f009b8e9f8e7b8a2f8a03101830f423f8a4d4e5400000000000000888ac7230489e80000b84149eba2361855724bbd3d20eb97a54ea15ad7dc28c1111b8dcf3bb15db26f874f095803cad9f8fc88b2b4eec9ba706325a7929be31b6ccfef01260791a844cb55011ba06c63ad17bfe07b82be8a0144fd4daf8b4144281fdf88f313205ceacf37fd877fa03c243ad79cab6205f4b753bd402c4cfa5d570888659090b2f923071ac52bdf75b8410497ea588f0fc2bd448de76d03a74cf371269e10ac1a02765fb5fa37c29f67e0348fb3faacd3370b8809401e7d562d8943f3642ce96667188d3c344e8e5bff6d0180808080'; 
decodeLink(LINK_CHECK, {decodeCheck: true})
// { 
//     type: '0x09',
//     data: { 
//         proof: '0x0497ea588f0fc2bd448de76d03a74cf371269e10ac1a02765fb5fa37c29f67e0348fb3faacd3370b8809401e7d562d8943f3642ce96667188d3c344e8e5bff6d01',
//         check: 'Mcf8a03101830f423f8a4d4e5400000000000000888ac7230489e80000b84149eba2361855724bbd3d20eb97a54ea15ad7dc28c1111b8dcf3bb15db26f874f095803cad9f8fc88b2b4eec9ba706325a7929be31b6ccfef01260791a844cb55011ba06c63ad17bfe07b82be8a0144fd4daf8b4144281fdf88f313205ceacf37fd877fa03c243ad79cab6205f4b753bd402c4cfa5d570888659090b2f923071ac52bdf75',
//         checkData: {
//            nonce: '1',
//            chainId: '1',
//            coin: 'MNT',
//            value: '10',
//            dueBlock: '999999',
//         },
//     },
//     payload: '',
// }

Minter Wallet

Use minterjs-wallet


MIT License